Faculty Publications - Year 2023

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Faculty Publications - Year 2023 #69

Congratulations to Prof. Fakieh Alrabai for his significant achievement!

Alamer, A., & Alrabai, F. (2023). The causal relationship between learner motivation and language achievement: New dynamic perspective. Applied Linguistics44(1), 148-168.

This paper, titled The Causal Relationship Between Learner Motivation and Language Achievement: A New Dynamic Perspective, published in Applied Linguistics by Oxford Academic (Volume 44, Issue 1, February 2023, Pages 148–168), offers an in-depth analysis of the dynamic interplay between learner motivation and language achievement. Utilizing advanced statistical modeling, it provides fresh insights into how these two critical factors influence each other over time. As of August 15, 2024, this influential work has been cited 33 times. Click here to access the full PDF.

  1. Abdalla, D. A. (2023). Intralingual & Interlanguage Factors Affecting usage of English Language prepositions "in" and "on" for EFL learners. Social Science Journal, RES Militaris, 13(2). Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  2. Abdelkarim, M. B. A., & Alhaj, A. A. M. (2023). Cultural and Lexical Challenges Faced in Translating Some Selected Verses of Surat Maryam into English: A Thematic Comparative Review. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 6(2), 178-184. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  3. Abdelkarim, M. B. A., & Alhaj, A. A. M. (2023). Problematicity of Translating Some Selected Arabic Qur'anic Collocations into English: Linguistic, Stylistic, and Cultural Perspectives. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 6(3), 233-240. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  4. Abdelkarim, M. B. A., & Alhaj, A. A. M. (2023). Stylistic and Cultural Problems Encountered in Translating Quranic Arabic Pun Tawriya into English: A Linguistic Contrastive Study. Technium Soc. Sci. J., 40, 630. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  5. Abdelkarim, M. B. A., & Alhaj, A. A. M. (2023). Underlying Linguistic Problems Experienced by Translators in Translating the Qur’ānic Arabic l-ḥazana'... Words into English: A Comparative Study. Theory & Practice in Language Studies (TPLS), 13(11). Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  6. Abdelkarim, M. B., & Alhaj, A. A. (2023). Probing the Meaning Loss in the Translation of Arabic Qur’ānic Connotative Words into English: A Linguistic Semantic Perspective. Theory & Practice in Language Studies (TPLS), 13(10), 2644-2651. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  7. Abdul-Rab, S. D., Abdul-Hamid, S., Romly, R., Toti, U. S., & Mohamed, A. W. A. (2023). Transformational Development of Speed-Reading Technology: Tools, Machines and Software Applications. Theory & Practice in Language Studies (TPLS), 13(6), 1452-1463. https://doi.org/10.17507/tpls.1306.14. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  8. Abdullah, D., Mohammed, W., Salih, H., Mohammed, W., & Alian, E. (2023). The Efficacy of Using Google Translate in Translating from Arabic into English and Vice Versa: Saudi EFL University Students’ Perspectives. RES Militaris, 13(2), 6231-6241. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  9. Akan, M. F., Abdul-Rab, S. D., & Salafi, A. A. S. (2023). Approaches to Bangla-Arabic Translation: Subtleties and Solutions. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 14(3), 828-839. https://doi.org/10.17507/jltr.1403.31. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  1. Akan, M. F., Almosa, A., Siddiqui, S., Chowdhury, G., Ahamed, M. M., Mishu, A., ... & Sultana, S. (2023). On Linguistic Reviews of Arabic and Bangla: A Comparative Study. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 13(9), 2375-2383. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  2. Al Tale’, M. A. (2023). Future Saudi female teachers’ perceptions of native-like English pronunciation and English as a Lingua Franca. Saudi Journal of Language Studies, 3(2), 113-125. https://doi.org/10.1108/SJLS-07-2022-0062. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  3. Al-Khasawneh, F. (2023). The Acquisition of Foreign Language Vocabulary: Does Spacing Effect Matter? The Education and Science Journal, 25(3), 174-193. https://www.edscience.ru/jour/article/view/3067/1146. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  4. Al-Khasawneh, F., & Al-Hawamdeh, N. (2023). The Potential of Semantic Mapping Strategy to Enhance Vocabulary Learning. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 58(1), 924-934. https://www.jsju.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1561/1551. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  5. Al-shehri, Y., & Alhamami, M. (2023). Saudi undergraduate EFL learners' listening strategies. Tamaddun: Journal of Language, Literature, and Culture, 22(2), 225-238. https://doi.org/10.33096/tamaddun.v22i2.579. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  6. Alamer, A., Morin, A. J., Alrabai, F., & Alharfi, A. (2023). Introducing the Basic Psychological Needs Frustration in Second Language Scale (BPNF-L2): Examining its factor structure and effect on L2 motivation and achievement. Acta Psychologica, 240, 104021. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  7. Alamer, A., & Alrabai, F. (2023). The causal relationship between learner motivation and language achievement: New dynamic perspective. Applied Linguistics44(1), 148-168. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  8. Albahiri, M. H., Alhaj, A. A. M., & Abdelkarim, M. B. (2023). Teaching-Related Use of Social Media Among Saudi EFL Teachers: Revisiting the Innovative Technology. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 13(12), 3181-3189.  Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  9. Alhamami, M. (2023). English as a Medium of Education (EME): Gender, attitudes, and cumulative GPA. King Saud University Journal of Research in Language and Translation, 3(2), 69-90. Retrieved from https://jrlt.ksu.edu.sa/sites/jrlt.ksu.edu.sa/files/users/user975/JRLT%20Vol%203-2%20(pp.%2069-90%20English%20as%20a%20Medium%20of%20Education).pdf. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  10. Alhamami, M. (2023). Inequity, inequality, and language rights in English as a medium of instruction programs. Evaluation and Program Planning, 99, 102297. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2023.102297. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  11. Alhamami, M. (2023). Instructional communication and medium of instruction: Content instructors’ perspectives. Sage Open. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440231172713. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  12. Alhamami, M., & Almosa, A. (2023). Learning Arabic as a second language in Saudi universities: Ajzen’s theory and religious motivations. Language, Culture and Curriculum. https://doi.org/10.1080/07908318.2023.2242912. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.*
  13. Alian, E., & Alhaj, A. (2023). EFL Students' Perceptions of Employing Technology Tools in Learning English at King Khalid University. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 6(3), 107-114. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  14. Alian, E., & Alhaj, A. (2023). Investigating the Significance and Benefits of Incorporating Innovative Educational Technology in Teaching the English Language to Saudi Learners at the Tertiary Level: The University Faculty's Perspectives. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 6(1), 170-179. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  15. Alqarni, N. (2023). Language learning strategies and learning engagement as predictors of language learning achievement: an investigation of Saudi EFL learners. Saudi Journal of Language Studies, 3(3), 129-143. https://doi.org/10.1108/SJLS-12-2022-0084. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  16. Alrabai, F., & Dewaele, J. M. (2023). Transforming the EMPATHICS Model Into a Workable E4MC Model of Language Learner Well-Being. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 5(1), 1-14. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  17. Alzaanin, E. (2023). EFL learners’ versus instructors’ attributions of success and failure factors: A complexity theory perspective. Language Teaching Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/13621688231189777. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.*
  18. Alzaanin, E. (2023). Uncovering University Teachers' Perspectives: Conceptualizations, Factors, and Perceptions of Second Language Learner Engagement. Qualitative Report, 28(8). Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  19. Alzaanin, E. I. (2023). Using the motivation and engagement wheel to examine the interplay between learner engagement, motivation, year level, and academic achievement in an EFL tertiary context. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 14(3), 767-779. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  20. Asad, S., Siddiqui, M. A., Patel, A. I., Zulfiquar, F., & Monira, S. (2023). English Teaching in Digital Age under the shadow of a Pandemic. International Journal of Language and Literature, 2(2), 14-20. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  21. Asiri, E. A. S., Sahari, Y., Alasmri, I., & Assiri, A. (2023). Revisiting the notions of translation ethics in Saudi Arabia: a survey of translators' perceptions. Saudi Journal of Language Studies, 3(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1108/SJLS-09-2022-0066. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  22. Bouziane, M. A., & Metwally, A. A. (2023). The Intentional Theory of Fundamentalists: Its role in Rhetorical Communication, and Its Precedence over Linguistic Theories. Onomázein, (62), 2354–2364. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  23. Brauer, K., Barabadi, E., Aghaee, E., Alrabai, F., Elahi Shirvan, M., Sendatzki, R., & Vierow, L. M. (2023). Impostor Phenomenon and L2 willingness to communicate: Testing communication anxiety and perceived L2 competence as mediators. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1060091. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  24. Halim, S., & Halim, T. (2023). An Exploration of ‘Married Love’ by Tessa Hadley. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 8(5). DOI: 10.22161/ijels. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  25. Halim, T., & Halim, S. (2023). Understanding Themes in Poetry Classes through Songs. Global Journal of Arts Humanity and Social Sciences, 3(2), 158-161. ISSN: 2583-2034. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  26. Halim, T., & Halim, S. (2023). Multitasking and Its Impact on 21st Century Professionals. Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 42(3). DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/AZDRW. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  27. Haque, M. M., Jaashan, H. M., & Hasan, M. Z. (2023). Revisiting Saudi EFL learners’ autonomy: a quantitative study. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1-14. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  28. Jaashan, H. M. S., Halim, T., Halim, S., & Alward, M. A. H. (2023). Poor Handwriting and Its Knock-On Effects on EFL Learners’ Academic Performance. Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 42(4). DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/QETHU. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  29. Jalaluddin, M., & Abdelkarim, M. B. A. (2023). A Contrastive Linguistic Study of lexical and Cultural Constraints Met in Translating Qur’an-specific cultural Items into English Showing (Riāa رِئَاءَ) in the Sūrat Nisaa. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 6(3), 47-51. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  30. Kana’an, B., et al. (2023). Exploring the Linguistic Landscape of Saudi Arabia’s Social Media: Analyzing Language Use, Cultural Expressions, and Societal Transformations. Journal of Namibian Studies, 36, 1048-1065. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  31. Kana’an, B., et al. (2023). Gender and Language Use in Saudi Arabian Online Forums: A Comparative Study of Male and Female Language Practice. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 58(5), 407-416. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  32. Koka, N. A., Kana’n, B., Khan, A. S., Ahmad, J., & Jan, N. (2023). Using Adaptive Learning Technology (ALT) to Enhance Motivation in Language Classrooms: E-Learners’ Perspectives. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 58(4), 920-928. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  33. Khan, Aayesha Sagir, & Alnmer, Samar. (2023). Multimodal Analysis of Hyatt’s Video Commercial “Perfectly Yours.” Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 58(6), 176–185. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  34. Khan, Aayesha Sagir, et al. (2023). EXPLORING the ATTITUDES and PERCEPTIONS of FOREIGN LANGUAGE LECTURERS on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-DRIVEN WRITING EVALUATION and FEEDBACK TOOLS for IMPROVING UNDERGRADUATE WRITING SKILLS. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 58(5). https://doi.org/10.35741/issn.0258-2724.58.5.6. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  35. Khan, Aayesha Sagir, et al. (2023). Research Methodology. First ed., RLK enterprises. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the book.*
  36. Koka, N. A., Akan, M. F., Kana’n, B. H. I., Khan, M. R., Zulfiquar, F., & Jan, N. (2023). IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) ON TRANSLATION QUALITY: ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 58(4). Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  37.  Koka, N. A., Khan, M. H., Ahmad, J., Wahab, M. O. A., & Khasawneh, D. M. A. S. (2023). Insights and viewpoints of University Translation Lectures and Translation Industry Experts on Collaborative Approaches to Translation Training Programs. Migration Letters, 20(S5), 1125–1139. https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/5472. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  38. Metwally, A. A., & Alabdaly, A. H. (2023). A Pragmatic Analysis of Hesitation Fillers in Delivering Oral Presentations: The Case of Postgraduate Non-native students of the English Department. Migration Letters, 20(S10), 1218-1230. https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/5664/3875. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  39. Metwally, A. A., & Asiri, S. (2023). Strategies for Translating Tourism and Promotional Culture-Specific Expressions: The Case of Aseer Province of Saudi Arabia as a Tourist Destination. Kurdish Studies, 11(2), 2227–2241. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.*
  40. Metwally, A. A., & Hamad, M. M. (2023). Educators’ Perspectives about Artificial Intelligence Integration as a Tool for Digital Language Teaching. Onomázein, (62), 2309–2327. Retrieved from https://www.onomazein.com/index.php/onom/article/view/474. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.*
  41. Metwally, A., & Hamad, M. M. (2023). The Impact of Collocational Competence on Translation Quality: Literature Review. Arab World English Journal for Translation and Literary Studies, 7(1), 175–186. https://doi.org/10.24093/awejtls/vol7no1.13. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  42. Mohamed, K. A. A., & Halim, T. (2023). Flourishing our Books Green: Content Analysis of an ELT Textbook. Journal of Namibian Studies, 33, 2703–2717. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  43. Mohamed, K. A. A., & Halim, T. (2023). Smart-Phone Assisted Language Learning in a Public University in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Language Education, 7(1), 120-133. https://doi.org/10.26858/ijole.v1i1.43135. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  44. Mohamed, K. A. A., & Halim, T. (2023). To choose or not to choose: EFL teachers’ and learners’ perspectives on information overload. International Journal of Instruction, 16(3), 363-376. https://doi.org/10.29333/iji.2023.16320a. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  45. Mohamed, K. A. A. (2023). Use of Blogging to Improve Writing Skills: A Study Conducted on EFL Freshman Students. Journal of Applied Research on English Language, 12(1), 113-132. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  46. Mohamed, S., & Alian, E. (2023). Students’ Attitudes toward Using Chatbot in EFL Learning. Arab World English Journal, 14(3), 15-27. https://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awej/vol14no3.2. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  47. Koka, N. A., Khan, M. H., Ahmad, J., Wahab, M. O. A., & Khasawneh, M. A. S. (2023). Essence of Metacognitive Awareness Strategies in Acquiring/Developing Proficiency in Different Foreign Language Skills: An Effective Language Learning Experience. Migration Letters, 21(1), 583–594. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  48. Salih, H. M., & Abdalla, D. A. (2023). Strategies used by EFL Saudi University Students in Translating English Idioms into Arabic. International Journal of Linguistics & Literature. DOI: 10.32996/ijllt. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  49. Salih, H. M., Abdalla, D. A., Abdalla, W. A., & Awadallah, A. M. (2023). Investigating Affixation problems which encounter EFL learners of KKU. Social Science Journal, RES Militaris, 13(2). Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  50. Saud, W. I. (2023). Evaluation of Skills for Success-Reading and Writing Based on Criteria Designed by Alan Cunningsworth. Technium Social Sciences Journal46(1), 331–341. https://doi.org/10.47577/tssj.v46i1.9336. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  51. Sayed, S. A., Asad, S., & Jamal, M. (2023). Managing Large Classes. International Journal of Language and Literature, 2(2), 21-26. https://ijll.thebrpi.org/journals/ijll/Vol_11_No_2_December_2023/3.pdf. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  52. Siddiqui, S., Ahamed, M. M., Chowdhury, G., Mishu, A., & Monira, S. (2023). Teaching Writing Skills to EFL Learners: Issues and Concerns. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 14(6), 1541-1550. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  53. Somaili, M., & Alhamami, M. (2023). Perceptions of Saudi EFL teachers on the adequacy of textbooks. ENGLISH FRANCA: Academic Journal of English Language and Education, 7(2), 277-290. https://dx.doi.org/10.29240/ef.v7i2.845. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  54. Sultana, I. (2023). Reading with Cultural Materialism: An illustrative Exercise with Textual Corridors. Ijee, 12(2), April 2023. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  55. Sultana, I. (2023). A window to the learners of English. Creative Publication, Friends’ Book Corner: Dhaka, Bangladesh. ISBN 978-984-90124-2-9. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the book.*
  56. (2023). “You are the Average of the Five People You Spend Time with”: A Case Study on Mindset and Social Networks in the Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 12(1), 198-211. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  57. Syahrin, S., Almashiki, K., & Alzaanin, E. (2023). The Impact of COVID-19 on Digital Competence A Case Study of Preservice Teacher Education Students in the Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 14(1), 511-519. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  58. Wahid, R., Halim, S., & Halim, T. (2023). Developing research skills by student-centered active learning approaches. Kurdish Studies, 11(2), 3178-89. https://doi.org/10.58262/ks.v11i2.231. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  59. Zeghoudi, Y. (2023). A history of the Nation of Islam movement in the USA, 1930 -2003: The shift of a heterodox movement toward Sunni Islam. Amazon. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.
  60. Zeghoudi, Y. (2023). The role of FBI Counterintelligence Program in disrupting activism of the Nation of Islam and other African-American political movements in the USA. Algerian Historical Review, 7(2), 39 -54. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Click here for a summary of the paper.

To access the Excel sheet "8-4-2024 Citations (2016-2023)," please click here. This comprehensive document lists all papers published from 2016 to 2023, along with their respective citation counts categorized by year. It also includes the Hijri year of publication, Gregorian month and year of publication, research domain of the paper, and specific focus of the paper. Click "File," scroll to "Download," select "Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)," and choose your download location. The file is available for viewing and download only. Editor access is not necessary or provided.

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