The Efficacy of Using Google Translate in Translating from Arabic into English and Vice Versa: Saudi EFL University Students’ Perspectives

The paper titled "The Efficacy of Using Google Translate in Translating from Arabic into English and Vice Versa: Saudi EFL University Students’ Perspectives" examines the effectiveness of Google Translate (GT) as a translation tool for Saudi EFL (English as a Foreign Language) university students. The study aims to assess how the use of GT impacts students' translation skills, particularly in terms of accuracy, vocabulary acquisition, and overall language development.

The research involved a questionnaire distributed to 60 EFL students at the College of Science and Arts in Ahad Rufadia, as well as interviews with college staff members. The study found that while students widely use GT and appreciate its convenience and speed, they also acknowledge its limitations, particularly in accuracy. Many students reported relying heavily on GT for translating texts without further editing or rechecking, which sometimes led to errors in translation, particularly with complex sentences or culturally specific content.

The findings suggest that while GT can be a useful tool for vocabulary development and initial translation efforts, its overuse without critical evaluation may hinder students' progress in developing proficient translation skills. The study recommends that students use GT as a supplementary tool rather than a primary resource and emphasizes the importance of cross-referencing translations with traditional methods to ensure accuracy and reliability.

In conclusion, the paper highlights the dual nature of GT as both a beneficial and potentially limiting tool for language learners, depending on how it is used. The authors call for more comprehensive training on the appropriate use of GT in translation tasks to enhance its efficacy in educational settings.