The Intentional Theory of Fundamentalists: Its role in Rhetorical Communication, and Its Precedence over Linguistic Theories

The paper titled "The Intentional Theory of Fundamentalists: Its Role in Rhetorical Communication, and Its Precedence over Linguistic Theories" explores the foundational aspects of the Intentional Theory as developed by Islamic fundamentalists, with a particular focus on its significance in rhetorical communication and its precedence over contemporary linguistic theories. The study examines how this theory, which emphasizes the importance of the speaker’s intention in the communicative process, predates and provides a more integrated approach than modern linguistic theories, particularly in the field of pragmatics.

The primary purpose of the paper is to highlight the superiority of the Fundamental Intentional Theory over other linguistic approaches by proving its foundational role in understanding and interpreting texts, especially within the context of Islamic jurisprudence. The scope of the study extends to a detailed analysis of the theory’s components, such as the relationship between language, context, and intention, and how these elements are crucial in achieving rhetorical objectives.

The research methodology includes a comparative analysis of fundamentalist approaches and modern linguistic theories, with a particular focus on the works of Imam Al-Shatibi and other prominent Islamic scholars. The study draws from a rich tradition of linguistic and jurisprudential investigation, examining texts, context, and the speaker’s intent to develop a comprehensive understanding of the communicative process.

Key findings of the research reveal that the Fundamental Intentional Theory offers a more nuanced and effective framework for understanding meaning in communication than modern pragmatic theories. The study demonstrates that this theory effectively addresses the limitations of abstract linguistic situations by incorporating the speaker's intent and the dynamic nature of language use in different contexts. Additionally, the research highlights the importance of context and the speaker’s intention in interpreting texts, which are essential for deriving accurate meanings and avoiding misinterpretation.

In conclusion, the paper argues that the Fundamental Intentional Theory should be considered a vital tool for modern linguistics, particularly in the study of communication and discourse. The study underscores the need for contemporary linguistic theories to integrate the principles of intentionality and context, as developed by Islamic fundamentalists, to enhance their effectiveness in understanding and interpreting meaning. The implications of these findings are significant, suggesting that the integration of these foundational theories could greatly benefit linguistic research and practical applications in communication.