The Potential of Semantic Mapping Strategy to Enhance Vocabulary Learning

The title of the paper is The Potential of Semantic Mapping Strategy to Enhance Vocabulary Learning, focusing on the effectiveness of semantic mapping in improving vocabulary acquisition among Saudi EFL students.

The purpose of the study is to examine the significant impact of teaching semantic mapping on students' vocabulary learning, specifically aiming to understand how this strategy can enhance vocabulary mastery and retention in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context.

The methodology used in this study is a quasi-experimental design involving 60 male Saudi university students, divided into two groups: an experimental group that received instruction through semantic mapping and a control group that followed traditional vocabulary learning methods. Both groups took pre- and post-tests to measure the effects of the intervention.

The key findings reveal that the experimental group, which was taught using semantic mapping, showed a statistically significant improvement in vocabulary mastery compared to the control group. This suggests that semantic mapping is an effective strategy for enhancing vocabulary learning, as it helps students organize and retain new words by connecting them with their prior knowledge.

The study concludes that teaching semantic mapping significantly improves vocabulary acquisition and retention among Saudi EFL students. The authors recommend integrating this strategy into EFL classrooms to facilitate long-term memory and usage of learned vocabulary. The research also highlights the need for further studies involving a broader demographic, including female students and other educational levels, to generalize these findings across different contexts.