Introducing the Basic Psychological Needs Frustration in Second Language Scale (BPNF-L2): Examining its factor structure and effect on L2 motivation and achievement

The paper titled "Introducing the Basic Psychological Needs Frustration in Second Language Scale (BPNF-L2): Examining its factor structure and effect on L2 motivation and achievement" focuses on developing and validating a new scale, BPNF-L2, designed to measure the frustration of basic psychological needs in the context of second language (L2) learning.

The study aims to introduce and validate this scale to understand how the frustration of autonomy, competence, and relatedness impacts L2 motivation and achievement. A sample of 206 Saudi undergraduate students studying English as a second language was used, and the data was analyzed using bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling (bifactor ESEM).

The results indicated that the BPNF-L2 scale is both reliable and valid, with the general factor of BPNF-L2 negatively correlating with intrinsic motivation and L2 achievement. This suggests that frustration of basic psychological needs can undermine motivation and learning outcomes. The specific factors of autonomy, competence, and relatedness frustration showed distinct relationships with these outcomes, further supporting the scale's construct validity.

The study concludes that the BPNF-L2 scale is a valuable tool for measuring basic psychological needs frustration in L2 learning contexts, highlighting the significant role that need frustration plays in diminishing L2 motivation and achievement. This suggests that educational strategies should focus on minimizing such frustrations to enhance language learning outcomes, and further research is encouraged to explore the scale's applicability across different cultural and linguistic settings.