The Impact of Collocational Competence on Translation Quality: Literature Review

The paper titled "The Impact of Collocational Competence on Translation Quality" by Amal Abdelsattar Metwally and Mona M. Hamad primarily focuses on the relationship between a translator's collocational competence and the overall quality of translation. The research question guiding this study is how collocational competence affects translation quality, particularly in the context of translations between English and Arabic.

The purpose of the study is to explore the significance of collocational knowledge in translation and how this knowledge impacts the accuracy and quality of translations. The review specifically investigates the challenges faced by translators when dealing with lexical and grammatical collocations and the implications of these challenges for translation accuracy.

The methodology employed in this paper is a systematic literature review, where the authors critically examine various studies related to collocational competence and translation. The review includes studies on the classification of collocations, the translation of culture-specific collocations, and the strategies employed by translators to handle collocational challenges.

Key findings from the study indicate a substantial correlation between collocational competence and translation quality. The authors found that translators who possess a strong understanding of collocations are better equipped to produce accurate and natural translations. The study also highlights the importance of context, culture, and language proficiency in handling collocations effectively.

The conclusions drawn from the study emphasize that collocational competence is a critical factor in producing high-quality translations. The authors recommend that translation educators and students pay closer attention to collocations in both the source and target languages to improve translation outcomes. They also suggest that ongoing training and practice in recognizing and using collocations are essential for translators to achieve a higher level of proficiency and accuracy in their work. The paper underscores the importance of cultural and linguistic awareness in translating collocations, which directly influences the naturalness and coherence of the translated text.