Standard 6: Learning Resources, Facilities, and Equipment

Learning resources, facilities, and equipment must be adequate to meet the needs of the program and its courses; and must be available to all beneficiaries using an appropriate arrangement. Teaching staff and students must participate in identifying such resources based on their needs, and in assessing their effectiveness. 

Artificial Intelligence in Education: Insights and…

The Alumni Association Unit at the College of Languages and Translation in Quraiger, in collaboration with the Entrepreneurship Center,…

CLT and Saudi Arabian Translation Association (SATA) Sign…

In a significant step towards fostering academic collaboration and promoting translation studies, the College of Languages and Translation…

Female Students of the College of Languages and Translation…

Cultural fairs and books serve as ideal platforms for encouraging reading and reinforcing this concept among students. In this context,…

College Prepares Graduating Students for Jahiziya Exam with…

On November 4, 2024, final-year students from nine campuses participated in a comprehensive pre-test organized by the Jahiziya Committee…

Virtual Workshop Prepares Students for Jahiziya Exam

On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at 8:00 PM, final-year undergraduate students from the College of Languages & Translation participated…

Jahiziya Exam Preparation Workshop Held at the Female Campus

The Alumni Association Unit at the College of Languages and Translation in Grager organized an insightful workshop titled How to…

Preparing for Success: Workshop Guides Students Through the…

On October 15, 2024, final-year undergraduate students assembled in the Seminar Hall of the College of Languages & Translation for an…