Standard 3: Teaching and Learning

Graduate attributes and learning outcomes at the program level must be precisely defined, consistent with the requirements of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and with the related academic and professional standards, and the labor market requirements. The curriculum must conform to professional requirements. The teaching staff must implement diverse and effective teaching and learning strategies and assessment methods that are appropriate to the different learning outcomes. The extent of achievement of learning outcomes must be assessed through a variety of means and the results are used for continuous improvement. 

Virtual Internships: Faculty of Languages and Translation…

On October 25, 2022, the Faculty of Languages and Translation's Alumni Unit held a webinar on a groundbreaking virtual internship-based…

خريجو وخريجات برنامج ماجستير اللغويات التطبيقية بجامعة…

في سياق تمتين العلاقة مع الخريجين والخريجات من برنامج ماجستير اللغويات التطبيقية وبرعاية كريمة من سعادة…

Translation Unit Webinar Attracts Almost 100 Attendees

On May 17, 2022, the Translation Unit extended an invitation to Mr. Ahmad Assiri, a Ph.D. candidate in Translation Studies at Macquarie…

Public Speaking Competition Draws Large Audience

The English Department recently orchestrated an enthralling Public Speaking Competition that truly showcased the exceptional talents of…

Language of the Professionals: How To Write Academic…

On March 23, 2022, Ms. Anjum Mishu delivered a presentation on "Language of the Professionals: How to Write Academic English (…

Analyzing the Efficacy of the Teaching Approaches…

On March 23, 2022, the Language Research Center organized a webinar featuring a presentation titled "Analyzing the Efficacy of the…

Translation Competition Award Ceremony

The Translation Unit (TU) of our Faculty of Languages and Translation hosted a translation competition entitled "Translator of the Nation…