
13th E-Learning Awareness Campaign

The Faculty of Languages and Translation recently hosted its 13th E-Learning Awareness Campaign for first-year students. Under…

400 Sit for clt Post-Admissions Test

In an inaugural effort this year, prospective students applying to the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) were required to undergo…

Dr. Alward Receives an Appreciation Letter from the Dean

Dr. Mohammed Alward recently received an acknowledgment from the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi,…

E-Reading Workshop Held

Under the guidance of the Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, and Vice Dean, Dr. Yahya Asiri, the e-Learning Supervisor, Mohsin Khan, spearheaded…

Aptitude and Motivation in Second Language Acquisition…

On February 19, 2018, the Faculty of Language Translation's Webinar Series featured a notable presentation from Lourdes Ortega, Professor…

12th E-Learning Awareness Campaign

From Sunday, February 11, 2018 to Thursday, February 15, 2018, the Faculty of Languages and Translation's E-Learning Unit orchestrated the…

clt Delighted to Receive Certificate of Appreciation

The Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) was recently awarded a certificate of appreciation by the Deanship of E-Learning for their…