
Online Assessment Workshop

On Thursday, October 27, 2016, the E-Learning Unit hosted a teacher training workshop on "Online Assessment" at 11:00 am in E-Learning Lab…

E-Learning Awareness Overview

On October 24, 2016, the E-Learning Unit of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, under the supervision of Dean Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi…

E-Learning Awareness Campaign

Overseen by Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean of the Faculty, the E-Learning Unit initiated an "E-Learning Awareness Campaign" tailored for…

Incorporating Blackboard in EFL Teaching

On October 3, 2016, the Language Research Center of King Khalid University hosted a seminar featuring insights from Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan.…

Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi Receives Award

His Excellency Prof. Falleh R. M. Al-Solamy, Rector of King Khalid University, recently honored Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean of the Faculty…

E-Quiz Awards Ceremony

Following the successful execution of the innovative "E-Learning Awareness Campaign," significant recognition was given to several…

E-Learning Awareness Campaign

Under the auspices of Dean Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, the E-Learning Unit at the Faculty embarked on an innovative initiative, the “E-Learning…