
Friendly Advice Before You Study Abroad

أقام نادي The English Club بكلية اللغات والترجمة بأبها بالتعاون مع عمادة شؤون الطلاب لشؤون الطالبات
دورة ضمن برنامج 2030 We’re Coming!
بعنوان "نصائح للمقبلين على الابتعاث "
‏"Friendly Advice Before You Study Abroad“
والتي قدمتها عضو هيئة التدريس الاستاذة أسماء الاحمري في مكتب النشاط وتم بثه عبر الزوم لبقية الطالبات.


Summer Course Experience: Monash University

On February 8, 2022, four Bachelor of Arts in English students and representatives of King Khalid University's 2021 Online Summer Program with Monash University, delivered a comprehensive webinar entitled "Summer Course Experience: Monash University".


clt Faculty Member Obtains Internationally Recognized Quality Assurance Certification for Higher Education

Dr. Abdulwahid Al-Zumor, a member of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, recently participated in a three-day Higher Education Quality Assurance training for international experts. The training took place from January 31 to February 4, 2022, under the auspices of the Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN).


clt E-Learning Supervisor Delivers University-Wide Certification Course

As the Spring 2022 semester commenced, Mohsin Raza Khan, the E-Learning Supervisor, hosted an e-learning practitioner certification course available to all faculty members. Recognizing the significance of instructional design training and an enriched learning environment for students, the course was in alignment with the educational vision of all colleges of the university.


Games Are Back

أقام نادي The English Club بكلية اللغات والترجمة بأبها بالتعاون مع عمادة شؤون الطلاب لشؤون الطالبات فعالية Old Games are Back.
وذلك في يوم الأحد الموافق ١٤٤٣/٦/٥ هـ من الساعة ٩-١٢.


Translation Unit Brings Exciting New Possibilities

In January 2022, a momentous decision was announced by His Excellency, the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy. The decision led to the establishment of the Translation Unit (TU), which operates under the vigilant supervision of the Faculty of Languages and Translation.


MEC Tutorials: Getting Started With SPSS or JASP

On December 22, 2021, the Measurement & Evaluation Unit, headed by Abdullah Al-Rezgi, arranged a webinar in association with the Measurement and Evaluation Center (MEC). The objective was to guide faculty members of the Faculty of Languages and Translation through end-of-semester tasks to be carried out on the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). In attendance were over a dozen teachers from the faculty along with consultants from MEC.


Faculty Member Receives Certificate of Appreciation From the National eLearning Center

In November 2021, the National eLearning Center (NELC) acknowledged Dr. Mazeegha Al-Tale' with a certificate of appreciation. The recognition was for her meticulous review of a course on the FutureX learning management system as a part of the ASAS initiative by NELC. FutureX, introduced in late October 2021, serves as a collaborative platform for institutions across the Kingdom, bolstering the human capital development goals of Vision 2030.


Faculty Member Receives Certificate of Appreciation From the National eLearning Center

In November 2021, the National eLearning Center (NELC) granted Mohsin Raza Khan a certificate of appreciation for his exemplary work in reviewing a course on the FutureX learning management system. The FutureX platform, launched in October 2021, seeks to unite institutions across the Kingdom in a collective effort to advance the human capital development goals outlined in Vision 2030.


Obituary: Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui

Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui S/O Mohammad Urwatullah Siddiqui was born on February 24, 1973, to a noble and humble family in Allahabad, UP, India. He died of cardiac arrest on December 9, 2021, in Abha, KSA, at the age of 48 years. He is survived by his wife, three daughters, and a son. His eldest child is a 17-year-old daughter, and all his kids are schoolgoers. Dr. Siddiqui obtained his primary, secondary, and university education from reputed institutions. Since his school days, he was found to be a possessor of certain distinctive traits uncommon among his classmates.