BAT Program Mission, Goals, Objectives, and Graduate Attributes

BAT Mission

The mission of the Bachelor of Arts in Translation (BAT) is to equip students with a solid foundation in translation theory and practice, enhance their language proficiency and intercultural communication skills, foster adaptability in a rapidly changing global environment, and prepare them for diverse careers in the translation industry.

Click here to explore the Alignment of the BAT Mission with Department of Translation, College, and University Missions.

BAT Goals

Program Goals
1. Develop students' fundamental knowledge of translation theories and practices.
2. Improve students' language proficiency and intercultural communication skills.
3. Enhance students' ability to use translation software and tools effectively.
4. Encourage students to engage in translation practices across different modes.
5. Build students' critical evaluation and analysis skills in translation.
6. Provide students with hands-on experience in translation projects.
7. Prepare students for entry-level careers in the translation industry and lay the foundation for further study in translation.

Click here to explore the Alignment of the BAT Goals with Department of Translation Goals, College Goals, and University Goals/Directives.

BAT Graduate Attributes

Attribute Description Alignment
1. Comprehensive Knowledge in Translation Studies
  • Deep understanding of key theories, principles, and concepts in translation, interpretation, and intercultural communication.
  • Awareness of current trends and developments in translation technology and practice.
  • Mastery of research methodologies specific to translation studies.

BAT Program Learning Outcomes: K1, K2, K3, K4, S1, S2, S3

KKU Graduate Attributes: GA 3 (Professional and Scientific Knowledge), GA 5 (Technical and Digital Competence), GA 4 (Specialized and Life Skills)

2. Advanced Analytical and Critical Thinking
  • Proficiency in analyzing source texts and identifying translation challenges.
  • Application of critical thinking to complex translation tasks, including cultural and linguistic nuances.
  • Ability to conduct thorough research and apply findings to translation and interpretation tasks.

BAT Program Learning Outcomes: S1, S2, S3, S4, S6, S8

KKU Graduate Attributes: GA 4 (Specialized and Life Skills), GA 3 (Professional and Scientific Knowledge), GA 2 (Linguistic and Quantitative Competencies)

3. Effective Communication and Bilingual Proficiency
  • Expertise in both source and target languages for accurate and effective communication.
  • Ability to convey meaning, tone, and style in translations across various genres.
  • Effective communication of translation theories and practices to diverse audiences.

BAT Program Learning Outcomes: S6, S7, S8

KKU Graduate Attributes: GA 2 (Linguistic and Quantitative Competencies), GA 3 (Professional and Scientific Knowledge), GA 8 (Local and Global Citizenship)

4. Digital and Technological Proficiency
  • Proficient use of translation software, computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, and other digital resources.
  • Staying updated with technological advancements that impact translation and interpretation practices.
  • Integration of digital tools in research, translation, and project management.

BAT Program Learning Outcomes: K4, S5, V2

KKU Graduate Attributes: GA 5 (Technical and Digital Competence), GA 3 (Professional and Scientific Knowledge), GA 6 (Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness)

5. Professional Ethics and Values
  • Adherence to ethical standards in translation, including confidentiality, accuracy, and cultural sensitivity.
  • Commitment to professional integrity and responsible translation practices.
  • Promotion of ethical behavior in professional and academic contexts.

BAT Program Learning Outcomes: V1, V2, S8

KKU Graduate Attributes: GA 1 (Values and Identity), GA 8 (Local and Global Citizenship), GA 7 (Leadership and Responsibility)

6. Self-Development and Lifelong Learning
  • Continuous self-assessment and development to improve translation skills.
  • Commitment to lifelong learning, particularly in staying current with translation technologies and methodologies.
  • Engaging in professional development opportunities to enhance translation competencies.

BAT Program Learning Outcomes: V2, K4, S5

KKU Graduate Attributes: GA 1 (Values and Identity), GA 6 (Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness), GA 7 (Leadership and Responsibility)

7. Collaborative and Leadership Skills
  • Effective teamwork and leadership in translation projects and multilingual environments.
  • Ability to contribute to collaborative translation efforts, including managing and coordinating projects.
  • Mentorship and guidance in translation practices within diverse teams.

BAT Program Learning Outcomes: V2, V3, S7

KKU Graduate Attributes: GA 7 (Leadership and Responsibility), GA 6 (Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness), GA 8 (Local and Global Citizenship)

8. Global Perspective and Intercultural Competence
  • Awareness of global issues and their impact on translation and communication.
  • Understanding and appreciation of cultural differences and their influence on translation practices.
  • Ability to navigate and mediate between diverse cultural perspectives in translation and interpretation tasks.

BAT Program Learning Outcomes: K3, S4, S7, V1

KKU Graduate Attributes: GA 8 (Local and Global Citizenship), GA 1 (Values and Identity), GA 3 (Professional and Scientific Knowledge)