Alignment of the BAT Goals with Department of Translation Goals, College Goals, and University Goals/Directives

Welcome to the Overview of the Bachelor of Arts in Translation's Alignment with College Goals, University Goals, and University Strategic Directives. This page provides a comprehensive mapping of how the program’s goals align with the College goals, University goals, and University strategic directives at various levels. For the best viewing experience on a mobile device, please turn your phone sideways.

The Bachelor of Arts in Translation (BAT) program has been meticulously designed to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of translation theories and practices among students. The BAT goals serve as the foundation for developing students' knowledge, skills, and values essential for success in the translation industry. These goals are not isolated objectives but are intricately aligned with the broader goals of the Department of Translation, the College, and the University. This alignment ensures that the BAT program not only meets the specific needs of its students but also contributes to the overarching mission and vision of the institution.

BAT Goals Aligned Department of Translation Goals Explanation of Alignment
1. Develop students' fundamental knowledge of translation theories and practices.

1. Cultivate an outstanding learning environment for students at all levels by integrating best practices in teaching, learning, and research in Translation and Interpreting Studies.

This BAT goal aligns with the Department’s goal of creating an exceptional learning environment by focusing on the development of fundamental knowledge in translation theories and practices. Both objectives emphasize the importance of integrating best practices in teaching and research to ensure that students acquire a strong theoretical foundation in translation.
2. Improve students' language proficiency and intercultural communication skills.

2. Develop well-rounded translation and interpreting professionals with comprehensive knowledge, advanced skills, and ethical values to excel in competitive labor markets.

This goal supports the Department's emphasis on developing professionals with comprehensive knowledge and skills. By focusing on language proficiency and intercultural communication, the BAT program ensures that students are well-prepared to excel in the diverse and globalized environments of the translation industry, which is a key aspect of the Department’s goal.
3. Enhance students' ability to use translation software and tools effectively.

1. Cultivate an outstanding learning environment for students at all levels by integrating best practices in teaching, learning, and research in Translation and Interpreting Studies.

The focus on translation software and tools in the BAT program aligns with the Department's goal of creating a high-quality learning environment. Incorporating effective use of technology into the curriculum is a best practice in modern translation education, supporting the Department’s commitment to innovation in teaching and learning.
4. Encourage students to engage in translation practices across different modes.

2. Develop well-rounded translation and interpreting professionals with comprehensive knowledge, advanced skills, and ethical values to excel in competitive labor markets.

3. Support and develop students' critical thinking, research, and professional skills.

This goal aligns with the Department’s objectives by promoting diverse translation practices, which are essential for developing well-rounded professionals. Engaging in different modes of translation also enhances students' critical thinking and professional skills, directly supporting the Department’s goals of comprehensive education and skill development.
5. Build students' critical evaluation and analysis skills in translation.

3. Support and develop students' critical thinking, research, and professional skills.

This goal directly aligns with the Department’s emphasis on critical thinking and research skills. By focusing on critical evaluation and analysis in translation, the BAT program contributes to the development of students’ intellectual and professional capabilities, which are central to the Department’s educational objectives.
6. Provide students with hands-on experience in translation projects.

3. Support and develop students' critical thinking, research, and professional skills.

4. Enhance community engagement by offering professional consultation, training, and services pertinent to Translation and Interpreting Studies.

Providing hands-on experience in translation projects aligns with the Department’s goals of developing professional skills and enhancing community engagement. Practical experience is essential for applying theoretical knowledge, and by engaging in real-world projects, students also contribute to the Department’s goal of offering professional services to the community.
7. Prepare students for entry-level careers in the translation industry and lay the foundation for further study in translation.

2. Develop well-rounded translation and interpreting professionals with comprehensive knowledge, advanced skills, and ethical values to excel in competitive labor markets.

This goal supports the Department’s objective of preparing students for successful careers in the translation industry. By laying a solid foundation for both professional practice and further study, the BAT program ensures that graduates are well-equipped to meet the demands of the labor market and pursue advanced education, directly aligning with the Department’s focus on comprehensive professional development.
BAT Goals Aligned College Goals Explanation of Alignment
1. Develop students' fundamental knowledge of translation theories and practices.

1. Design and deliver programs that meet emerging needs and aspirations of students, community, businesses, and professional sectors.

4. Ensure our students gain the skills and experience needed to work as language professionals in diverse contexts.

This BAT goal aligns with the College's objectives of designing programs that meet the needs of various stakeholders and ensuring that students acquire the necessary skills to work as language professionals. By providing a solid foundation in translation theories and practices, the BAT program supports the College's aim to equip students with relevant and current knowledge that meets the demands of the industry.
2. Improve students' language proficiency and intercultural communication skills.

3. Foster a sense of service, commitment, professionalism, and ethics in our students.

4. Ensure our students gain the skills and experience needed to work as language professionals in diverse contexts.

This goal supports the College’s focus on fostering professionalism and ethics, as well as ensuring students have the necessary skills for diverse professional contexts. By improving language proficiency and intercultural communication skills, the BAT program prepares students to engage effectively in professional environments that require high standards of communication and ethical behavior.
3. Enhance students' ability to use translation software and tools effectively.

1. Design and deliver programs that meet emerging needs and aspirations of students, community, businesses, and professional sectors.

6. Recruit and establish a world-class human resource capacity to provide students with a high-quality foreign language education.

By focusing on the use of translation software and tools, this BAT goal aligns with the College's aim to design programs that meet emerging needs, particularly in the context of technological advancements. Additionally, the effective use of these tools enhances the quality of education, supporting the College's goal of recruiting and establishing a world-class human resource capacity.
4. Encourage students to engage in translation practices across different modes.

4. Ensure our students gain the skills and experience needed to work as language professionals in diverse contexts.

7. Expand our research capabilities and base by strengthening ties between the College, the University, the community, and international educational institutions and researchers in the field of languages and translation.

This goal aligns with the College’s objectives of ensuring students gain diverse skills and expanding research capabilities. By engaging in various translation modes, students develop a comprehensive skill set, and their involvement in different practices contributes to the College’s research goals by exploring new translation methods and techniques.
5. Build students' critical evaluation and analysis skills in translation.

4. Ensure our students gain the skills and experience needed to work as language professionals in diverse contexts.

7. Expand our research capabilities and base by strengthening ties between the College, the University, the community, and international educational institutions and researchers in the field of languages and translation.

This goal directly supports the College’s focus on equipping students with essential professional skills and expanding research capabilities. Critical evaluation and analysis are fundamental for language professionals, and by fostering these skills, the BAT program aligns with the College’s goal of producing well-prepared graduates and contributing to the College’s research agenda.
6. Provide students with hands-on experience in translation projects.

2. Be proactive and responsive to the needs of our stakeholders, especially our students, faculty, university, and community.

5. Build and maintain a supportive, professional, ethical, and respectful workplace that fosters communication, dialogue, and sharing of ideas and resources whenever possible.

Providing hands-on experience aligns with the College’s goals of being responsive to stakeholders' needs and maintaining a professional and ethical environment. Practical experience in translation projects ensures that students are prepared to meet the expectations of the labor market and that the College fosters a collaborative and supportive educational environment.
7. Prepare students for entry-level careers in the translation industry and lay the foundation for further study in translation.

1. Design and deliver programs that meet emerging needs and aspirations of students, community, businesses, and professional sectors.

4. Ensure our students gain the skills and experience needed to work as language professionals in diverse contexts.

5. Build and maintain a supportive, professional, ethical, and respectful workplace that fosters communication, dialogue, and sharing of ideas and resources whenever possible.

This goal aligns with the College’s objectives of designing programs that meet the needs of stakeholders, ensuring students gain the necessary professional skills, and fostering a supportive and ethical workplace. By preparing students for careers in the translation industry and for further study, the BAT program supports the College’s comprehensive approach to professional and academic excellence.
BAT Goals Aligned University Goals Explanation of Alignment
1. Develop students' fundamental knowledge of translation theories and practices.

1. Enhance educational outcomes to meet the needs of labor market requirements and sustainable development.

This BAT goal aligns with the University's aim to enhance educational outcomes by providing students with a strong foundation in translation theories and practices, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to meet the demands of the labor market and contribute to sustainable development.
2. Improve students' language proficiency and intercultural communication skills.

4. Enhance the overall quality of academic life.

This goal supports the University’s commitment to enhancing the quality of academic life by improving students' language proficiency and intercultural communication skills, which are critical for personal and professional development in a globalized world.
3. Enhance students' ability to use translation software and tools effectively.

1. Enhance educational outcomes to meet the needs of labor market requirements and sustainable development.

6. Diversify and nurture sustainable revenue streams.

By focusing on the effective use of translation software and tools, this BAT goal contributes to the University’s objective of aligning educational outcomes with labor market needs, as proficiency in technology is essential for modern translation professionals. Additionally, students' competence in using translation tools can contribute to sustainable revenue streams by enhancing their employability and the university's reputation in the industry.
4. Encourage students to engage in translation practices across different modes.

2. Advance research and innovation in response to societal and economic imperatives.

3. Foster a culture of social responsibility and encourage volunteerism.

4. Enhance the overall quality of academic life.

This goal aligns with the University’s focus on advancing research and innovation by encouraging students to explore various translation modes, which can lead to innovative practices. It also fosters a culture of social responsibility as students engage in meaningful translation work that often supports community needs. Furthermore, it enhances the quality of academic life by providing diverse learning opportunities.
5. Build students' critical evaluation and analysis skills in translation.

2. Advance research and innovation in response to societal and economic imperatives.

This goal directly supports the University’s emphasis on advancing research and innovation. By fostering critical evaluation and analysis skills, the BAT program equips students to contribute to research that addresses societal and economic challenges.
6. Provide students with hands-on experience in translation projects.

1. Enhance educational outcomes to meet the needs of labor market requirements and sustainable development.

5. Realize and maintain institutional excellence for students and staff.

6. Diversify and nurture sustainable revenue streams.

Providing hands-on experience in translation projects aligns with the University’s goals of enhancing educational outcomes, maintaining institutional excellence, and diversifying revenue streams. Practical experience ensures that students are well-prepared for the labor market, contributing to the institution’s reputation and potential revenue through professional partnerships and opportunities.
7. Prepare students for entry-level careers in the translation industry and lay the foundation for further study in translation.

1. Enhance educational outcomes to meet the needs of labor market requirements and sustainable development.

5. Realize and maintain institutional excellence for students and staff.

6. Diversify and nurture sustainable revenue streams.

This goal aligns with the University’s objectives of enhancing educational outcomes, maintaining excellence, and nurturing revenue streams. By preparing students for careers and further studies, the BAT program ensures that graduates are equipped to meet labor market demands, contribute to the University’s reputation for excellence, and potentially drive sustainable revenue through successful alumni and partnerships.
BAT Goals Aligned University Directives Explanation of Alignment
1. Develop students' fundamental knowledge of translation theories and practices.

Teaching and Learning: Premium programs that nurture skills and keep abreast with modern advancements.

This BAT goal aligns with the University’s Teaching and Learning directive by ensuring that students develop a strong foundation in translation theories and practices, which is essential for nurturing the skills needed to keep pace with modern advancements in the translation field.
2. Improve students' language proficiency and intercultural communication skills.

Teaching and Learning: Premium programs that nurture skills and keep abreast with modern advancements.

University Life: An attractive university environment, which enhances the quality of academic life.

This goal supports the Teaching and Learning directive by enhancing students' language proficiency and intercultural communication skills, which are crucial for success in modern, globalized contexts. Additionally, it aligns with the University Life directive by contributing to a vibrant academic environment that values effective communication and cultural understanding.
3. Enhance students' ability to use translation software and tools effectively.

Teaching and Learning: Premium programs that nurture skills and keep abreast with modern advancements.

Institutional Excellence: A flexible organizational structure grounded on efficient expenditure and operation, achieving excellence in academic, technical, research, and innovative dimensions.

By focusing on the effective use of translation software and tools, this BAT goal aligns with the Teaching and Learning directive of keeping programs aligned with modern advancements. Additionally, it supports the Institutional Excellence directive by ensuring that students are equipped with the technical skills necessary to achieve excellence in both academic and professional settings.
4. Encourage students to engage in translation practices across different modes.

Research and Innovation: Prioritized research areas in health sciences, environmental studies, agriculture, and advanced materials, aligning with societal needs and future economies.

Societal Responsibility: A deep commitment to using the university's resources for community benefit and fostering volunteer efforts.

This goal aligns with the University’s Research and Innovation directive by encouraging students to explore various translation modes, potentially contributing to research in fields like health sciences and environmental studies. It also supports the Societal Responsibility directive by engaging students in practices that benefit the community, such as translation work that aids in societal communication and volunteer efforts.
5. Build students' critical evaluation and analysis skills in translation.

Research and Innovation: Prioritized research areas in health sciences, environmental studies, agriculture, and advanced materials, aligning with societal needs and future economies.

Institutional Excellence: A flexible organizational structure grounded on efficient expenditure and operation, achieving excellence in academic, technical, research, and innovative dimensions.

This goal directly supports the Research and Innovation directive by equipping students with critical evaluation and analysis skills, essential for contributing to prioritized research areas. It also aligns with the Institutional Excellence directive by fostering the analytical abilities necessary for achieving academic and research excellence.
6. Provide students with hands-on experience in translation projects.

Teaching and Learning: Premium programs that nurture skills and keep abreast with modern advancements.

Societal Responsibility: A deep commitment to using the university's resources for community benefit and fostering volunteer efforts.

Financial Sustainability: An epicentre for scholarly pursuits, events, and strategic investments, anchored in our capabilities to foster stable economic growth.

Providing hands-on experience in translation projects aligns with the Teaching and Learning directive by ensuring that students gain practical skills. It also supports the Societal Responsibility directive by enabling students to contribute to the community through applied translation work. Furthermore, it aligns with the Financial Sustainability directive by preparing students to participate in and contribute to strategic investments and economic growth through their professional activities.
7. Prepare students for entry-level careers in the translation industry and lay the foundation for further study in translation.

Teaching and Learning: Premium programs that nurture skills and keep abreast with modern advancements.

Institutional Excellence: A flexible organizational structure grounded on efficient expenditure and operation, achieving excellence in academic, technical, research, and innovative dimensions.

Financial Sustainability: An epicentre for scholarly pursuits, events, and strategic investments, anchored in our capabilities to foster stable economic growth.

This goal aligns with the Teaching and Learning directive by preparing students for successful careers and further studies, ensuring they are equipped with skills that reflect modern advancements. It also supports the Institutional Excellence directive by contributing to the university's pursuit of excellence in education. Additionally, it aligns with the Financial Sustainability directive by fostering a skilled workforce that can contribute to economic growth and stability.

The alignment of the BAT goals with the Department, College, and University goals/objectives underscores the program's commitment to academic excellence and professional relevance. By starting with the BAT goals, which focus on foundational knowledge, skill development, and professional ethics, the program ensures that students are well-prepared for the demands of the translation industry. This alignment extends to the Department of Translation's emphasis on creating an exceptional learning environment and the College's focus on meeting the needs of students, the community, and the professional sectors. Moreover, the BAT program's alignment with the University’s goals and strategic directives ensures that it contributes to the institution’s broader mission of fostering innovation, social responsibility, and sustainable development.

In summary, the BAT program’s goals are strategically positioned to support not only the academic and professional growth of its students but also the broader institutional objectives. This thorough alignment guarantees that the program remains relevant, responsive, and integral to the success of its graduates and the advancement of the field of translation.