Faculty Publications - Year 2021

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Faculty Publications - Year 2021 #50

Congratulations to Prof. Fakieh Alrabai for his significant contribution to the field!

Alrabai, F. (2021). The influence of autonomy-supportive teaching on EFL students’ classroom autonomy: An experimental intervention. Frontiers in Psychology12, 728657.

This paper explores the impact of autonomy-supportive teaching on students' autonomy in EFL classrooms, using an experimental intervention approach. As of 8-15-2024, it has been cited 50 times. Click here to access the full PDF.

  1. Abdesslem, H. (2021). Introduction. Arab Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6(1), i-viii. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  2. Ahamed, M.M., & Siddiqui, S. (2021). From the normal to the new normal: Reflecting metamorphosis in pedagogies. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on CALL, 7, 419-434. https://doi.org/10.24093/awej/call7.29.  Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  3. Al Tale’, M., Alqahtani, S., & Salih, H. (2021). Saudi EFL college learners’ preferences of teachers’ oral corrective feedback across cognitive styles. Journal of Arabic and Human Sciences. Qassim University, 15(1), 19-51. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  4. Alabdaly, A. H., & Metwally, A. A. (2021). Arabicization in Saudi Arabia: Procedures and implementations. International Journal of Linguistics, 13(6), 60-75. https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v13i6.19317Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  5. Alahmari, M. (2021). Prosodic Adaptation of Superheavy Syllables in Arabic Loanwords in Turkish: An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis. Journal of Arts & Humanities, 28, 581-596. King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. https://prod.kau.edu.sa/centers/spc/jkau/Data2/Review_Artical_ar.aspx?No=4934Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  6. Alahmari, M. (2021). Self-Regulation and Linguistic Competence in Language Learning: A Socio-Cultural Theoretic Perspective. Journal of Research in Languages & Translation. King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. https://colt.ksu.edu.sa/ar/node/1429Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  7. Alhamami, M., & Almelhi, A. (2021). English or Arabic in healthcare education: Perspectives of healthcare alumni, students, and instructors. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 14, 2537-2547. https://doi.org/10.2147/JMDH.S330579Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  8. Alhamami, M. (2021). English as a medium of instruction (EMI) in computing undergraduate programs. Education and Information Technologies, 26(5), 6549-6562. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10637-6Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  9. Alhamami, M. (2021). English as the medium of instruction (EMI) in undergraduate engineering programs. IEEE Transactions on Education. https://doi.org/10.1109/TE.2021.3094210Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.*
  10. Alhamami, M., & Almelhi, A. (2021). The dilemma of English as a medium of instruction policy in science college programs. Studies in English Language and Education, 8(3), 1045-1060. https://doi.org/10.24815/siele.v8i3.21218Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  11. Al-Khasawneh, F. (2021). An analysis of mitigating devices of request used by Saudi EFL learners. International Journal of English Language Studies, 3(11), 57-64. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  12. Al-Khasawneh, F. (2021). Figurative language used in Saudi news headlines related to coronavirus (COVID-19). Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching, 5(2), 265-276. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  13. Al-Khasawneh, F., Al-Khasawneh, M., & Al-Khawaldeh, M. (2021). Research production at King Khalid University: Perceptions, challenges, and suggestions for improvement. Indonesian Journal of Educational Research and Review, 5(1), 91-98. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  14. Al-Qahtani, A. A. (2021). EAP Reading comprehension and strategies of Saudi Arabian learners: A comparative study in EFL and ESL contexts. The Asian ESP Journal, 17(4), 6-37. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  15. Al-Qahtani, A. A. (2021). Reading English as a foreign language: The interplay of abilities and strategies. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10(3), 580-589. https://doi.org/10.17509/ijal.v10i3.31738Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  16. Alqarni, N. A. (2021). Language learners’ willingness to communicate and speaking anxiety in online versus face-to-face learning contexts. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 20(11), 57-77. https://doi.org/10.26803/ijlter.20.11.4Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  17. Alqarni, N. A. (2021). Well-being and the perception of stress among EFL university teachers in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Language and Education, 7(3), 8-22. https://doi.org/10.17323/jle.2021.11494Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  18. Alrabai, F. (2021). The influence of autonomy-supportive teaching on EFL students' classroom autonomy: An experimental intervention. Frontiers in Psychology, 3748. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.728657Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  19. Al-Saidi, A. A. H. (2021). The east in the western perception: Orientalism in some selected poems of Lord Byron. AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies, 5(3), 17-26. https://doi.org/10.24093/awejtls/vol5no3.2Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  20. Al-Tamari, E. A., & Bader Eddin, E. A. (2021). Lexical asymmetry as a translation problem arising in the Holy Quran. Arab World English Journal for Translation & Literary Studies, 5(2), 2-17. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  21. Alzaanin, E. I. (2021). Capturing the emotional experiences of English as a foreign language university teachers: A critical perspective. SAGE: Language Teaching Research, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1177/13621688211012863Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  22. El Masry, Taghreed and I. Alzaanin, Eman, Uncovering New Paths to Adaptation: A Case Study of Malaysian English as a Second Language Pre-service Teachers (March 15, 2021). Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 12. Number1 March 2021 , Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3826857 or https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3826857Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  23. Al Zumor, A. Q. (2021). Exploring intricacies in English passive construction translation in research articles’ abstracts by Arab author-translators. SAGE Open, 11(3), 21582440211047556. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  24. Al Zumor, A. Q. (2021). Stance in advanced academic writing by Saudi EFL postgraduates: A corpus-based study of critique writing. Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, 9(4), 371-384. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  25. Assiri, A. (2021). Gapping in modern standard Arabic: An agree-based analysis. Journal of Umm Al-Qura Language Sciences and Literature, 27, 479-513. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  26. Assiri, A. I., & Siddiqui, A. (2021). Extensive reading: A multifaceted panacea for EFL students at KKU. English Language Teaching, 14(8), 40-46. https://doi.org/10.5539/elt.v14n8p40Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  27. Assiri, A. (2021). Prepositional phrases in modern standard Arabic: An agree-based analysis. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 12(6), 884-891. https://doi.org/10.17507/jltr.1206.04Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  28. El Masry, T., & Alzaanin, E. I. (2021). The impact of the intrapersonal, interpersonal and ecological factors on pre-service second language teachers' identity construction. Saudi Journal of Language Studies, 1(1), 50-66. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  29. Halim, T., Wahid, R., & Halim, S. (2021). Challenges of teaching and learning grammar in online classes at the tertiary level. ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching, 10(3), 212-221. https://doi.org/10.15294/elt.v10i3.47970Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  30. Halim, T., Wahid, R., & Halim, S. (2021). EFL students’ attitudes toward corrective feedback: A study conducted at undergraduate level. Saudi Journal of Language Studies, 1(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1108/SJLS-03-2021-0004Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  31. Halim, T., & Shah, S.R.A. (2021). EFL Learners' Perspectives towards online reading module of IELTS: A study at tertiary level. Journal of Language Teaching Research, 12(6), 942-947. https://doi.org/10.17507/jltr.1206.10Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  32. Islam, A. K. M. Mazharul. (2021). Major phonemic problems of Bangladeshi learners of English: Reasons behind and solutions. ELT Forum Journal of English Language Teaching, 10(1), 30-39. https://doi.org/10.15294/elt.v10i1.45061Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  33. Jabeen, R., & Sarifa, N. (2021). P.B. Shelley’s romanticism-A world of sheer ecstasy. In M.E. Kalgi & A. Klich (Eds.), 4th International European Conference on Interdisciplinary Scientific Research. Istanbul: ISPEC Publications, 2, 150-163. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  34. Kana’an, B. et al. (2021). Enhancing oral fluency through incidental focus on vocabulary development in a language classroom. Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, 54(12), 703-721. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/KUXZJClick here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  35. Koka, N. A., Islam, M. N., Wahab, M. O. A., & Ahmad, J. (2021). Studying the role of media in the diffusion of English words into the Kashmiri language: A linguistic overview. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 12(6), 1056-1069. https://doi.org/10.17507/jltr.1204.22Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  36. M. N., Islam, Koka, N. A., & Wahab, M. O. A. (2021). Techniques of teaching English word stress patterns to Saudi undergraduates: Some observations and suggestions. British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 24(2), 82-90. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  37. Masood, M.M. & Haque, M.M. (2021). From critical pedagogy to critical digital pedagogy: A prospective model for the EFL classrooms. Saudi Journal of Language Studies, 1(1), 67-80. https://doi.org/10.1108/SJLS-03-2021-0005Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  38. Mohammed, K. & Halim, T. (2021). EFL/ESL learners and teachers’ perceptions on the application of study skills online. Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, 54(9). https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/DHVG6Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  39. Mohammed, K. (2021). Demystifying reading skills for EFL students at King Khalid University through learn unlearn and relearn techniques during the current pandemic. Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition, 64(12). https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/FTZEVClick here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  40. Mohammed, K., & Siddique, A. (2021). Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) tools in EFL classes at King Khalid University (KKU). Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, 54(10). https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/N7QSFClick here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  41. Otaif, F. (2021). Towards evaluating interactivity in video-based task design: A perspective from computer-based L2 listening. Saudi Journal of Language Studies. 1(1). Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  42. Radwan, M. (2021). Exploring ‘solastalgia’ and ‘speciestalgia’ in Kingsolver’s flight behavior. Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, 81(2), 105-138. https://doi.org/10.21608/jarts.2021.67634.1114Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  43. Radwan, M. (2021). Re-envisioning disparate polarities: A metamodernist reading of Ali Smith’s Winter. Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 49(4). Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  44. Saud, W. I. (2021). Success factors at university from students’ perspective. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 16(1), 52–61. https://doi.org/10.47577/tssj.v16i1.2359Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  45. Shahin, S., Sultana, S., & Singh, M. (2021). From liquidation to liberation: The lyric in modernist poetry. Kalyan Bharati, 36(X), 102-110. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.*
  46. Tubayqi, K. A., & Tale’, M. A. A. (2021). Mother tongue use in beginner EFL grammar classes in Saudi Arabia: A case study. Arab World English Journal, 12(4), 349-365. https://doi.org/10.24093/awej/vol12no4.23Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  47. Wahab, M. O. A., Koka, N. A., & Islam, M. N. (2021). A study of autobiographies: Confessions, facts, fiction, and hypothesis. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 11(4), 457-461. Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  48. Wahid, R., Farooq, O., & Aziz, A. (2021). The new normal: Online classes and assessments during the COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 17(2), 85-96. https://doi.org/10.20368/1971-8829/1135346Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  49. Wahid, R., Halim, S., & Halim, T. (2021). Incorporating creativity and communication skills among the students of Media department. TESOL International Journal, 16(6.1), 111-123. https://www.tesol-international-journal.com/volume-16-issue-6-1-2021/Click here for this paper's citation report (8/4/2024) - 2023-2024 academic year / 1445 Hijri. Please click here for a summary of the paper.
  50. ي ،زغودي. & بن مرابط،, ن. (2021). دور الترجمة العسكرية في التمكين للغزو في مصر والجزائر. مجلة الحقيقة للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية، , 20(02), 294-319  Please click here for a summary of the paperCitation Report(8/4/2024)

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