clt Faculty Member Leads Virtual Workshop for Quality Matters
The Deanship of E-Learning recently held a two-day training course entitled "Applying the Quality Matters Rubric Workshop (Virtual)," under the watchful eye of E-Learning Supervisor, Mohsin Khan. Holistic support for the event was provided by Ms. Safa Al-Shehri and Mr. Abdullah Zubain of the Deanship of E-Learning.
The Quality Matters (QM) Rubric offers participants a robust introduction to best practices, principles of instructional design, and research-based design for online and hybrid courses, all aimed at ensuring quality assurance.
"This ten-hour virtual workshop was of particular value to those unfamiliar with QM or those considering implementing a quality assurance process for online and blended learning," Khan stated. He further noted that it was a fantastic opportunity for thirty faculty members from a range of disciplines to gain deeper insights into the QM Rubric and its application in reviewing the design of online and blended courses.
The Deanship of E-Learning clarified that the QM Rubric is a highly regarded set of standards employed in the design of effective online courses, facilitated through a faculty peer review process. Attendees of the virtual workshop remarked on how the QM Rubric promotes increased learner engagement and achievement.
The Bachelor of Arts in English program, as part of its ongoing commitment to professional and academic development, offers its expertise to teaching staff from other colleges. This enables them to participate in development programs tailored to their needs, contributing to the enhancement of their performance.