Standard 5: Teaching Staff/Faculty Members
The program must have sufficient numbers of qualified teaching staff with the necessary competence and experience to carry out their responsibilities. The teaching staff must be aware of current academic and professional developments in their fields of specialization, participate in research and community service, and in improving the program and institutional performance. Teaching staff performance must be evaluated according to specific criteria, and the results of these evaluations must be used for development.
Dr. Karem Abdul Latif presented his paper titled "Use of Blogging to Improve Writing Skills: A Study Conducted on EFL Freshman…
The Alumni Association Unit at the College of Languages and Translation in Quraiger, in collaboration with the Entrepreneurship Center,…
In a significant step towards fostering academic collaboration and promoting translation studies, the College of Languages and Translation…
Cultural fairs and books serve as ideal platforms for encouraging reading and reinforcing this concept among students. In this context,…
Dr. Amal Metwally delivered a presentation titled “Exploring Practical Applications of Sketch Engine in Corpus-Based Translation Research…
The Scientific Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies Unit of the College of Languages and Translation at King Khalid University…
On November 4, 2024, final-year students from nine campuses participated in a comprehensive pre-test organized by the Jahiziya Committee…