
Seminar on Literary Criticism

On April 14, 2014, the Language Research Center at King Khalid University organized a seminar that proved to be a valuable platform for intellectual exploration. The highlight of the seminar was a captivating presentation delivered by Dr. Justin, titled "Literary Criticism in the 21st Century."


Spelling Bee 3

For the second time in the 2013-2014 academic year, the Faculty of Languages and Translation witnessed a remarkable showcase of linguistic prowess. On 4th March 2014, fifteen talented spellers from the Department of English gathered in Auditorium Five (5) for an exhilarating spelling showdown.

Research Output (2016-2023)

From 2016 to 2023, faculty publications showed a notable increase, reflecting growing research productivity. The annual publication counts were as follows: 19 in 2016, 17 in 2017, 31 in 2018, 55 in 2019, 44 in 2020, 50 in 2021, 51 in 2022, and 69 in 2023. This data demonstrates a significant upward trend, with the number of publications more than tripling over the eight-year period. The most substantial year-over-year increase occurred between 2018 and 2019, jumping from 31 to 55 publications.

Faculty Presentations

The faculty's engagement in sharing knowledge and research through presentations has been steadily vigorous over recent years, exemplifying a deep-rooted dedication to educational dissemination. In 2016, the stage was set with 28 faculty presentations, serving as a prelude to further intellectual outreach. The number modestly increased to 44 in 2017 and reached 49 in 2018, maintaining a stable commitment to scholarly communication. The year 2019 observed a slight uptick to 54 presentations, followed by 53 presentations in 2020.

برنامج التاريخ

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برنامج الهندسة الميكانيكية

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وحدة التطوير والجودة

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