Master of Arts in Translation

This webpage offers a comprehensive overview of the Master of Arts in Translation program at the College of Languages and Translation. Designed to equip students with advanced skills in translation and interpreting, the program is structured to support Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 and the Asir Region's Strategic Plan. Through detailed program descriptions, mission statements, goals, graduate attributes, learning outcomes, and a meticulously outlined study plan, prospective students and stakeholders can gain a thorough understanding of how the program prepares graduates for success in a globalized world.

By clicking the link, readers can expect to find a detailed description of the Master of Arts in Translation (MAT) program offered by the College of Languages and Translation. The program is designed to develop advanced translation and interpreting skills over two years, with a curriculum that includes both theoretical and practical training. Additionally, the program aligns with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 by preparing graduates to contribute to the nation's economic and cultural development, particularly in the Asir Region. The description outlines the structure, key courses, and the strategic importance of the program in supporting national goals.

By clicking the link, readers will find a comprehensive overview of the Master of Arts in Translation program. The page details the program’s mission, which is to advance students’ expertise, promote regional progress, foster global cooperation, and prepare graduates for excellence in their careers and research. The goals of the program include enhancing linguistic mastery in English and Arabic, applying translation theories and cultural insights, developing versatility in translating across diverse fields, integrating cutting-edge translation technologies, and cultivating proficiency in interpretation techniques. Additionally, the program outlines desired graduate attributes, emphasizing a well-rounded, culturally aware, and self-directed approach to translation. The program learning outcomes are categorized into knowledge, skills, and values, covering mastery of English and Modern Standard Arabic, application of translation theories, understanding of socio-cultural contexts, and the ability to produce accurate and culturally sensitive translations. Finally, the page outlines the admission requirements, which include a bachelor’s degree in language with a minimum GPA, meeting standardized test scores, and adherence to any additional conditions set by the Department and College Councils.

By clicking the link, readers will find a detailed overview of the Study Plan for the Master of Arts in Translation program at the College of Languages and Translation. This program offers advanced and comprehensive training for individuals passionate about language and eager to develop their translation and interpretation skills. The curriculum is aligned with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 and the Asir Region's Strategic Plan, emphasizing the program’s role in enhancing global communication, cultural exchange, and economic development.

The Study Plan outlines a carefully structured curriculum that combines theoretical learning with practical experience. Students will engage in courses covering translation theory, specialized translation, audio-visual translation, localization, and research methodologies. Additionally, the program places a strong emphasis on hands-on learning through projects, advanced interpreting practice, and fieldwork placements, equipping students with the practical skills needed for careers in various sectors, including government, business, healthcare, and education.

The study plan details the courses offered across four semesters, starting with foundational courses in translation and interpreting studies, progressing to more specialized and advanced topics, and culminating in a capstone translation project and fieldwork. This structure ensures that graduates are well-prepared to pursue roles as translators, interpreters, localization experts, and language educators.

The page also provides the most recent approval information for the study plan, including reference numbers and dates, ensuring that students have access to the latest academic requirements and course offerings.

In conclusion, this webpage provides essential insights into the Master of Arts in Translation program, highlighting its alignment with national development goals and its commitment to producing highly skilled translation professionals. The program's detailed study plan, mission, and objectives demonstrate a robust academic framework that prepares students for impactful careers in translation and interpreting. By exploring this information, readers will understand the program's strategic importance and its role in fostering effective communication across languages and cultures.

Sample Graduation Projects