Graduation Projects

Thanks for visiting our webpage displaying some of our more recent graduation projects. We believe that graduation projects are the culmination of the learning experiences and knowledge gained by our students. Graduation projects integrate most of the learning outcomes and prepare our students for their transition into a wide variety of professions. We take pride in the educational methods of the courses that produce graduation projects. They are underscored by continuous development to remain consistent with the changing standards of the labor market. Please click any of the hyperlinks below to be redirected to the pdf.

Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics


Almakrami, M. H. (2015). Number, gender and tense in Aljudhi dialect of Mehri language in Saudi Arabia. Theory and Practice in Language Studies5(11), 2230.


Asiri, R. H. A. (2019). Effect of Using English as a Medium of Instruction in Primary International Schools on the Children’s first language and Cultural Identity. Studies in Literature and Language18(2), 15-25.

Alsubaiai, H. S. (2019). Linguistic Hegemony of English Language in the Medical Context of King Abdullah Hospital. Arab World English Journal10(2), 323-341.


Hussain, M., & Abdullah, R. (2019). An analysis of undergraduate Saudi EFL female students' errors in written English essays. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue: The Dynamics of EFL in Saudi Arabia.

Hassan Ahmad Alshehri, A. (2020). Community perceptions of English and its effect on EFL students’ attitudes towards learning the language. Arab World English Journal, March.

Hussain Al-Qahtani, M. (2019). Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of virtual classes and the effectiveness of virtual classes in enhancing communication skills. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue: The Dynamics of EFL in Saudi Arabia.


A Al-kasi, A. (2021). Evaluation of Teachers’ involvement in English curriculum design and development in the Saudi Public School. Arab World English Journal (August 2021) Theses ID277.

Eid Alotaibi, E. (2021). Saudi Females Beginners’ Attitudes Towards Full-online Learning Through EFL Virtual Classrooms During COVID-19 Pandemic. Arab World English Journal (Julyu 2021) Theses ID274.


Harbi, A. M. (2022). Arabic diglossia and its impact on the social communication and learning process of non-native Arabic learners: Students’ perspective.

JAMA, O. (2022). Exploring the Motivation Orientations for Learning Arabic as L2 Based on Self Determination Theory. International Journal of Linguistics and Translation Studies3(1), 74-87.

Tubayqi, K. A., & Al Tale, M. A. (2022). Mother Tongue Use in Beginner EFL Grammar Classes in Saudi Arabia: A Case Study.

Alasmari, M. A. (2022). The Attitudes of Public-school Teachers Towards E-learning in Saudi Arabia.

Al Muabdi, H. S. The Students’ Attitudes towards the NESTs versus NNESTs and their Impacts on the Students’ Motivations to Learn English Language at KAU.


Master of Arts in Translation


Finding Chika (internal project)

How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain (internal project)

Surrounded by Idiots (internal project)

The Key Elements of Classroom Management: Managing Time and Space Student Behavior and Instructional Strategies (internal project)

Last Update: 4/12/2022

Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation