Standard 3: Teaching and Learning

Graduate attributes and learning outcomes at the program level must be precisely defined, consistent with the requirements of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and with the related academic and professional standards, and the labor market requirements. The curriculum must conform to professional requirements. The teaching staff must implement diverse and effective teaching and learning strategies and assessment methods that are appropriate to the different learning outcomes. The extent of achievement of learning outcomes must be assessed through a variety of means and the results are used for continuous improvement. 

Academic Writing & Writing Style Overview

During a training session on academic writing and writing style held on November 23, 2021, Dr. Nada Alqarni provided an in-depth analysis…

Mastering Exam Preparation: The English Club and Guidance…

On November 21, 2021, the English Club, in collaboration with the Guidance and Counselling Unit, hosted a workshop titled 'How to Prepare…

Preparing Translation Students to Transition From the…

On November 15, 2021, the Faculty of Languages and Translation's Alumni Unit, coordinated by Mohsin Raza Khan, hosted a webinar featuring…

Faculty Members Participate in Graduate Studies Preparation…

During the week of November 7, 2021, three distinguished faculty members contributed their insights to a series of webinars designed to…

clt E-Learning Supervisor Delivers Several University-Wide…

In October 2021, E-Learning Supervisor, Mohsin Raza Khan, facilitated an e-learning practitioner certification course accessible to all…

حفل استقبال الطلاب المستجدين
Top Students Honed Language Skills in First Online Summer…

On August 19, 2021, the 2021 Online Summer Language Program (OSLP) titled "English Across Cultures and Intercultural Awareness" drew to a…