Standard 5: Teaching Staff/Faculty Members

The program must have sufficient numbers of qualified teaching staff with the necessary competence and experience to carry out their responsibilities. The teaching staff must be aware of current academic and professional developments in their fields of specialization, participate in research and community service, and in improving the program and institutional performance. Teaching staff performance must be evaluated according to specific criteria, and the results of these evaluations must be used for development. 

Faculty of Languages and Translation Commemorates…

If you haven't caught up with our recent social media updates, King Khalid University's Faculty of Languages and Translation marked…

The Department of Translation Builds on Earlier Success…

Following its successful observance of International Translation Day 2023, King Khalid University’s Department of Translation has once…

Faculty of Languages and Translation Holds Farewell Party…

The Faculty of Languages and Translation held a farewell party on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, for a number of faculty members who ended…

Research Methodologies in Translation Studies

The Translation Unit of the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized a discussion session entitled “Research Methodologies in…

Triumph in Translation: King Khalid University Students…

In alignment with the Saudi Ministry of Culture's initiative to celebrate 2023 as the Year of Arabic Poetry, the esteemed "Poetry…

Publication Process & Validated Measures of Scientific…

In an initiative that reflects the Faculty of Languages and Translation's ongoing dedication to academic excellence, a comprehensive…

Translation Unit Webinar Attracts Almost 100 Attendees

On May 17, 2022, the Translation Unit extended an invitation to Mr. Ahmad Assiri, a Ph.D. candidate in Translation Studies at Macquarie…