
The English Club: Supporting Learning, Supporting the Community, and Responding to International Crisis

The English Club: Supporting Learning, Supporting the Community, and Responding to International Crisis

Faculty of Languages and Translation

Sponsored by the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt), the English Club is guided by a faculty director and a student leader. Its main objectives include English language skills development, community service, and higher education advocacy. Lately, the club has been a hotbed of activity with a wide range of valuable events. Here, we present a synopsis of the club's recent accomplishments:

Team Up to Clean Up and Green Up

The club members initiated a volunteer clean-up day in a public park nestled in the Al-Souda mountains. They spent hours collecting trash and debris to enhance the park's beauty and learned about recycling and the significance of litter-free environments. The local community was delighted with the outcome, fostering hopes for more such collaborations in the future to increase environmental awareness and aesthetic appeal.

School Children Get a Glimpse of University Life

Promoting higher education is a priority for the English Club. Director Faisal Alfadhil recently facilitated a university tour for classes from the Al-Andalus Elementary School and Excellent Education Schools from Abha. The visit offered young students a chance to interact with university students, faculty, and staff, fueling their curiosity about higher education. The goal of these initiatives is to impress upon young minds the supportive and welcoming nature of universities, encouraging them to pursue advanced education after high school.

Electronic Gaming Competition - An Outlet for Stress

The English Club organized an electronic gaming competition featuring the game FIFA 19. Over 60 clt students participated, providing a friendly yet competitive environment to relieve academic stress and foster sportsmanship. clt student Mohammed Dhafer emerged as the winner, receiving hearty congratulations from his peers.

Weekly Coffee Talk at the LEP

The 'Coffee Talk' program is an ongoing initiative by the English Club. Every Wednesday, the Club organizes a gathering in the Language Enhancement Program (LEP) room. Students can participate in informal conversations and short faculty presentations on various language learning topics, fostering an environment of idea exchange and socialization.

English Club Closing Ceremony for Spring 2019

As the semester came to a close, the club members held a year-end review meeting, reflecting on the past year's activities. The meeting was sponsored by clt Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi, with the English Club Director Faisal Alfadhil and Student Body English Club President Abdulaziz Dahlan serving as hosts. Dean Al-Melhi commended the club's efforts and emphasized its contributions to language skills development, community service, and higher education advocacy.

English Club Answers the Call in Time of Crisis

In the aftermath of the New Zealand mosque massacres, the English Club stepped up to support the Mada Program by collecting and transporting Holy Qurans and other Islamic material to New Zealand. Former clt Dean, Dr. Abdullah Abu Eshy, expressed his confidence in the club's commitment to providing aid, and Prof. Abdallah Hady Al-Kahtany, former Dean of Faculty Affairs, applauded the volunteers for their noble cause.

In conclusion, the English Club extends its gratitude to its members, Dean Al-Melhi, Vice Dean, Dr. Yahya Asiri, and Chairman, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, for their ongoing support and guidance. The club invites all students interested in joining and contributing to this worthwhile venture. The clt remains committed to academic excellence and expanding social outreach programs, and the English Club is a vital tool in achieving these goals.