Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

This webpage serves as an entry point to the Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MA in TEFL) program, offering a brief overview while primarily functioning as a hub for more detailed information. The page is designed to guide visitors to various sections that provide in-depth insights into the program's mission, goals, curriculum, and learning outcomes. Each section delves into specific aspects of the program, such as innovative teaching strategies, advanced language assessment methods, and the structure of the curriculum across different semesters. By clicking on the provided links, visitors can explore comprehensive descriptions of the courses, understand the rationale behind the program, and access details on program costs, entry requirements, and other critical information. This layout ensures that prospective students and other interested parties can easily navigate to the exact information they need, allowing for a tailored and thorough understanding of what the MA in TEFL program offers.

The page provides an overview of the Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MA in TEFL) program. It details the program's mission to advance TEFL through innovative teaching strategies, language assessment, and research. The program aims to deepen understanding of English language pedagogy, equip students with practical skills, and train them in modern methodologies while emphasizing professionalism, ethical standards, and research capabilities. The program structure is divided into four semesters, covering various aspects of TEFL, from foundational courses to advanced practice and research.

The rationale behind the program includes addressing the global and local demand for qualified English language educators, nurturing local talent, and contributing to cultural and linguistic empowerment. It also aims to position Saudi Arabia as a leader in TEFL education, catering to the needs of local and international job markets.

Additionally, the page includes admissions criteria and mentions that further details about program costs and entry requirements can be accessed via a provided link. For inquiries, contact information for Dr. Munassir Alhamami is included.

The page provides a concise, organized overview of the Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MA in TEFL) program. It begins with a statement of the program's mission, highlighting its focus on advancing the skills of English language educators through innovative teaching methods, advanced assessment techniques, and research. The program's goals are outlined next, emphasizing the deepening of pedagogical knowledge, the development of practical teaching and assessment skills, and the promotion of professionalism, ethical standards, and lifelong learning.

The page also details the graduate attributes that the program aims to instill in its students, such as advanced English language proficiency, expertise in language acquisition theories, and the ability to apply innovative teaching and assessment methods. It further outlines the expected learning outcomes, categorized into knowledge, skills, and values, which include a comprehensive understanding of English language structures, the ability to implement effective teaching strategies, and the commitment to ethical standards and continuous professional development.

Additionally, the page provides a breakdown of the program's courses across four semesters, covering foundational topics in the first semester, methodologies in the second, specialized applications in the third, and advanced practice and research in the fourth. Links are available for visitors to explore more details about the program structure and access the Program Quality Assurance Manual.

The page provides an overview of the New Study Plan for the Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MA TEFL) program, tailored to different student cohorts. It introduces the program’s mission to combine academic rigor with practical applicability, focusing on the needs of English language educators in Saudi Arabia. The curriculum is organized into four semesters, starting with foundational courses in English grammar, reading, writing, and phonetics. Subsequent semesters cover teaching methodologies, specialized applications like curriculum design and technology integration, and culminate in a final semester focused on either a practicum or a research project, alongside classroom discourse analysis.

For each cohort (1445, 1444, and 1443), the page details specific course sequences, with variations in course placement and structure. The 1445 cohort follows a standard four-semester plan, the 1444 cohort includes an option between a practicum and a project in the final semester, and the 1443 cohort has a slightly different structure with no practicum requirement. Tables are provided for each cohort, listing the course codes, titles, and semester placements. The page ensures students have a clear understanding of their academic path based on their entry year into the program.

In conclusion, this webpage provides a brief overview of the Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MA in TEFL) program, with links directing visitors to in-depth content on the program’s structure and objectives. By navigating these links, prospective students can explore the curriculum, learning outcomes, and other key details that prepare educators for success in diverse teaching environments. The page also offers access to additional resources and contact information, ensuring that visitors can easily find the information they need to make informed decisions about the program.

Sample Graduation Projects