New Study Plan

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Do you aspire to be a changemaker in the field of English language education? The College of Languages and Translation has just what you're looking for. Our Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MA TEFL) is your pathway to achieving professional excellence in this dynamic domain. Specifically tailored to meet the needs and challenges of the Saudi context, our program combines academic depth with practical applicability. With a curriculum steeped in the latest educational methodologies and theories, we offer an educational experience that sets the benchmark for quality within Saudi Arabia.

Curriculum Highlights:

Semester 1: Foundations of English Language Teaching begins with Advanced English Grammar (6201TEFL-3), a course that delves into the complexities of English grammar, focusing on enhancing instructors' abilities to teach advanced grammatical structures effectively. Accompanying this is Academic Reading and Writing (6202TEFL-3), dedicated to developing strategies for teaching academic literacy with an emphasis on reading comprehension and writing proficiency. Speech Workshop Seminar (6203TEFL-3) offers a practical approach to refine teaching techniques in spoken English, including pronunciation and fluency. Lastly, the semester includes Phonetics and Phonology (6401TEFL-3), providing an understanding of the sound systems of English, crucial for teaching accurate pronunciation and listening skills.

Semester 2: Methodologies in TEFL expands on teaching methodologies. Teaching English to Young Learners (6501TEFL-3) focuses on specialized methods and approaches for engaging young learners. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (6502TEFL-3) covers comprehensive TEFL methodologies for effective teaching in diverse international contexts. Second Language Acquisition (6503TEFL-3) explores theories and processes behind language learning, essential for informed teaching strategies. Language Assessment (6504TEFL-3) guides educators in designing and implementing effective assessments.

Semester 3: Specialized Applications in TEFL includes Teaching English for Special Purposes (6505TEFL-3), which tailors teaching to specific fields such as business English. Curriculum Design and Materials Development (6506TEFL-3) focuses on creating curricula and educational materials for varied teaching scenarios. Technology for Teaching and Learning English (6507TEFL-3) emphasizes integrating modern technology into teaching practices. Research Methods in English Language Teaching (6508TEFL-3) offers proficiency in conducting research in the field.

Semester 4: Advanced Practice and Research represents the culmination of the TEFL program. This final semester is structured to provide students with an opportunity to apply their cumulative learning in a practical setting. All students undertake Classroom Discourse Analysis (6509TEFL-3), which involves a detailed analysis of classroom interactions, aiming to enhance teaching effectiveness and student engagement. Additionally, students are required to choose between two capstone experiences: Practicum (6510TEFL-3), offering hands-on teaching experience in a real-world educational environment, or Project (6511TEFL-3), a comprehensive research project that demonstrates their thorough understanding and practical application of TEFL principles. This choice allows students to tailor their final semester to their career aspirations and interests, whether they lean towards direct teaching experience or academic research.

Why Choose Us?

  • Internationally Benchmarked Curriculum: Our robust course offerings are designed to align with globally respected educational paradigms, ensuring that your degree holds substantial value on the world stage.

  • Systematic Academic Progression: Our structured curriculum allows for an organized and efficient educational experience, designed to optimize student success through a clear and straightforward path.

  • Dynamic Curriculum Updates: Our commitment to academic rigor is evident in the continual updating and enhancement of our curriculum, keeping you abreast of the latest methodologies and theories in the field.

We extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join us on a journey that promises both academic enrichment and professional development. 

Please click here for the prior study plans.

Semester 1 - Year 1
6201إنج-3 القواعد الإنجليزية المتقدمة
6202إنج-3 القراءة والكتابة الأكاديمية
6203إنج-3 ورشة عمل الخطابة
6401إنج-3 الصوتيات وعلم الأصوات
Semester 2 - Year 1
6501إنج-3 تعليم الانجليزية للصغار
6502إنج-3 تعليم اللغة الانجليزية كلغة أجنبية
6503إنج-3 اكتساب اللغة الثانية
6504إنج-3 التقييم اللغوي
Semester 3 - Year 2
6505إنج-3 تعليم الانجليزية لأغراض خاصة
6506إنج-3 تصميم المناهج وتطوير المواد التعليمية
6507إنج-3 التكنولوجيا لتعليم وتعلم الإنجليزية
6508إنج-3 طرق البحث في تعليم الإنجليزية
Semester 4 - Year 2
6509إنج-3 تحليل الخطاب الصفي
إختيارية (3)
6510إنج-3 تدريب عملي
6511إنج-3 مشروع تخرج
  Please click here for the Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language study plan (14 courses and 42 credit hours).