
Analyzing the Efficacy of the Teaching Approaches Implemented by the Literature Teachers for EFL Students: Undergraduate Learners' Perspective

Analyzing the Efficacy of the Teaching Approaches Implemented by the Literature Teachers for EFL Students: Undergraduate Learners' Perspective

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On March 23, 2022, the Language Research Center organized a webinar featuring a presentation titled "Analyzing the Efficacy of the Teaching Approaches Implemented by Literature Teachers for EFL Students: Undergraduate Learners' Perspective". The insightful presentation was delivered by Dr. Najmus Sarifa and Ms. Rakhshinda Jabeen.

Sarifa and Jabeen addressed the varying methodologies for teaching literature and underscored the necessity of considering how well students assimilate knowledge when employing certain teaching techniques. They emphasized the importance of understanding the learners' perspective, thus placing greater emphasis on learning methodologies rather than merely focusing on teaching strategies. Their study investigated the effectiveness of specific teaching approaches in a literature classroom.

The researchers advocated for a broadened understanding of literature, stating that its value extends beyond common perceptions. They cited Mustakim, Mustapha & Lebar's 2018 work, suggesting that literature goes further than understanding "people, culture, ethics, behaviors and other social norms". They proposed that literature courses play a vital role in expanding the scope of language learning, as the inclusion of varied characters and their specific linguistic expressions elevates language learning.

Furthermore, Sarifa and Jabeen highlighted the profound changes in learning skills brought about by technology and innovation. They advocated for a comprehensive inclusion of diverse literary works in the curriculum. They asserted the dual advantage of incorporating literature at the tertiary level: it allows students to glean insights into the culture and characters of English society while bolstering their imaginative prowess.

The presenters delved into detail on various teaching approaches to literature, including the teacher-centered approach, stylistic approach, learner-centered approach, paraphrastic approach, and culture-based approach, providing a comparative analysis of each.

Concluding their presentation, Sarifa and Jabeen stated that literature teachers need to demonstrate creativity and adequate training to select a teaching method that yields maximum benefit for learners.

The webinar was a resounding success, offering a wealth of information and insights into the field of literature teaching and learning.