Learner Autonomy and Metacognition in Language Learning
On October 24, 2016, Mr. Mahmudul Haque delivered an insightful presentation at an event organized by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University. The presentation, titled "Learner Autonomy and Metacognition in Language Learning," shed light on the facilitative role of learner autonomy in the learning process.
During his presentation, Haque began by providing a concise definition of autonomy and offering a brief historical context. He emphasized the significance of autonomy in language learning, stressing the importance of learners being able to independently choose materials and learning strategies. Furthermore, he explored the various roles that teachers can play in supporting learners to develop autonomy.
Another topic covered in the presentation was metacognition, which involves the mental processes utilized in different learning styles. Haque discussed how successful learners exhibit both self-reliance and a heightened awareness of metacognition. This awareness contributes to their autonomy as learners.
The seminar was deemed successful overall, offering valuable insights into the relationship between learner autonomy, metacognition, and effective language learning.