
Effective Online Teaching

Effective Online Teaching

Faculty of Languages and Translation

The Language Research Center organized a seminar on Effective Online Teaching, presented by Mohammad Siraj. The objective of the seminar was to develop a skilled workforce of online teachers. During his presentation, Mr. Siraj provided an overview of the online course he had designed for general English courses. He highlighted the accessibility of the course videos, which could be accessed from anywhere in the Kingdom. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of adhering to rubrics when designing an online course and demonstrated how his course aligned with the rubrics.

Following the presentation, participants raised questions regarding various aspects of online teaching. Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, the Dean of the Faculty, addressed the issue of excessive reliance on online teaching for writing instruction. He stressed the need to incorporate face-to-face teaching to provide learners with direct and immediate feedback, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of writing lessons. Dr. Ali Alamir, the Vice Dean, emphasized the importance of student engagement and interactive elements in online courses rather than solely uploading materials. On the other hand, Dr. Ismael Rafai, the Director of the Language Research Center, expressed the view that all courses could have online components as long as the objectives of the courses were effectively achieved.

The seminar proved to be highly informative, interactive, and valuable for the participants, providing insights into effective online teaching practices.