
Catalyzing Change: Preparing Students for Real World

Catalyzing Change: Preparing Students for Real World

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On December 21, 2022, King Khalid University's Faculty of Languages and Translation hosted a webinar featuring Dr. Shadma Iffat Rahmatullah. Her presentation, entitled "Catalyzing Change: Preparing Students for the Real World," emphasized the importance of equipping students with skills that transcend the traditional academic environment and adequately prepare them for future challenges.

Drawing upon her extensive classroom experience and observation, Dr. Rahmatullah challenged the status quo of pedagogical practices. She prompted educators to question if merely covering the syllabus and helping students achieve high grades truly prepares them for their future endeavors. Her poignant questions unveiled the often-overlooked truth about prevalent teaching methods.

Dr. Rahmatullah urged educators to prioritize teaching that is closely aligned with real-world applications, rather than focusing solely on academic success. She stressed that the ultimate goal should be to impart skills that will help students succeed in life, well beyond their school years.

Clarifying the concept of real-world learning, Dr. Rahmatullah defined it as authentic learning that goes beyond grades and exam performance. According to her, pragmatic and practical learning can answer the frequently asked student question, "Why are we learning this?" This question, she suggests, signifies students' growing awareness of the practical implications of their studies and their desire to understand the real-world relevance of their coursework.

She provided a comprehensive explanation of what it means to be "world-ready." A world-ready student, she posited, should have the skills to navigate life independently, be equipped to face any challenges, and be prepared for life's unpredictability.

In her conclusion, Dr. Rahmatullah emphasized the importance of integrating real-world examples into teaching practices to prepare students for the future. She also highlighted the need for students to gain knowledge about significant global issues.

The webinar proved to be an engaging event, fostering critical discussions and achieving significant success.