2022-23 Academic Year

Faculty of Languages and Translation Holds Farewell Party…

The Faculty of Languages and Translation held a farewell party on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, for a number of faculty members who ended…

Research Methodologies in Translation Studies

The Translation Unit of the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized a discussion session entitled “Research Methodologies in…

حفل تكريم الطلاب المتفوقين والمثاليين

قامت وحدة التوجيه والإرشاد بكلية اللغات والترجمة حفل تكريم للطلاب المتفوّقين والمثاليين، يومنا هذا…

Triumph in Translation: King Khalid University Students…

In alignment with the Saudi Ministry of Culture's initiative to celebrate 2023 as the Year of Arabic Poetry, the esteemed "Poetry…

The Art of Written Clarity: Dr. Eman Alian on Achieving…

Dr. Eman Alian offered an insightful examination of coherence and cohesion in writing during a webinar hosted by the Faculty of Languages…

Enhancing Translation Programs: Groundbreaking Partnerships…

The Faculty of Languages and Translation at King Khalid University has attained the notable status of being the first college in the…

Renditions of Human Crisis in Narratives

Dr. Mahmoud Radwan provided an enlightening examination of crisis narratives in his presentation, "Renditions of Human Crisis in…