
Attention to Intention

Attention to Intention

Faculty of Languages and Translation

Dr. Munassir Alhamami, a faculty member of the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt), delivered a presentation titled "Attention to Intention" at a seminar organized by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University on September 19, 2018.

The focus of Dr. Alhamami's presentation was on predicting academic achievement through classroom behaviors. He began by highlighting the significance of "intention" in achieving good grades. He discussed the various factors that contribute to one's intention and emphasized its role as an indicator of performance. Dr. Alhamami further explained that grades largely reflect the effectiveness of teaching methods, course materials, exams, and quizzes.

In his presentation, Dr. Alhamami delved into the detailed explanation of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Through multiple regression analyses conducted on the outcomes of his research questions, he demonstrated how TPB can provide valuable insights for language educators into the cognitive foundations of their students. By understanding the relative contributions of attitudes, it becomes possible to predict student achievement. His research encompassed both male and female students from the English Language Center.

Concluding the seminar, Dr. Alhamami emphasized the importance of qualitative research in this field. Such research could aid students in attaining better grades and contribute to overall curriculum improvement.

The seminar proved to be practical, informative, and engaging for all attendees.