
Mining for Gold in Interdisciplinary Research

Mining for Gold in Interdisciplinary Research

Faculty of Languages and Translation

The Scientific Research Committee at the Faculty of Languages and Translation hosted a captivating seminar on interdisciplinary research on February 6, 2019. Presented by Dr. Barbara Rumbinas, an associate professor specializing in English Language, American Literature, History, and Culture, the seminar was aptly titled 'Mining for Gold in Interdisciplinary Research: A Whole Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts.'

Dr. Rumbinas commenced her presentation by drawing a fascinating comparison between the nature of interdisciplinary research and the art of blending various colors to create a stunning visual piece. She proceeded to provide an insightful overview of interdisciplinary research, elucidating how its focus extends beyond a single disciplinary perspective.

She underscored that interdisciplinary research seeks to find common ground and integration across various disciplines, thereby synthesizing information beyond the core subjects that can broaden our comprehension of the same. Dr. Rumbinas' exploration revealed that the end goal of this kind of research is pragmatic - it fosters a cognitive understanding, conjuring a fresh perspective, or even leading to the creation of a new product.

The seminar drew the attendance of various staff members from the Faculty of Languages and Translation, alongside some keen undergraduate students. The audience demonstrated high interest in the topic, appreciating the engaging manner in which Dr. Rumbinas presented her insights.

During the seminar, Dr. Rumbinas welcomed all questions and comments from the participants. She further invited them to send her any subsequent queries related to the field, fostering an environment of continued learning. The seminar was a goldmine of knowledge on various facets of interdisciplinary research, living up to its title. It was marked as a resounding success, enriching the audience's understanding of this crucial research approach.