Scientific Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies Unit

Writing a Literature Review for a PhD Dissertation

Dr. Nada Alqarni led a training workshop entitled "Writing a Literature Review for a PhD Dissertation" during a webinar organized by the…

Use of Blogging to Improve Writing Skills: A Study…

Dr. Karem Abdul Latif presented his paper titled "Use of Blogging to Improve Writing Skills: A Study Conducted on EFL Freshman…

Webinar: Academic Writing – Writing a Literature Review for…

The Scientific Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies Unit of the College of Languages and Translation (CLT) is pleased to invite you…

Webinar: Using Blogging to Improve Writing Skills – A Study…

The Scientific Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies Unit of the College of Languages and Translation (CLT) is pleased to invite you…

PhD Defense Announcement: Metadiscourse Markers and…

📢 Public Announcement

The College of Languages & Translation at King Khalid University is pleased to announce an upcoming PhD…

Exploring Practical Applications of Sketch Engine in Corpus…

Dr. Amal Metwally delivered a presentation titled “Exploring Practical Applications of Sketch Engine in Corpus-Based Translation Research…

Webinar Announcement: Exploring Practical Applications of…

The Scientific Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies Unit of the College of Languages and Translation (CLT) is pleased to invite you…