Research Day 2017
King Khalid University was abuzz with intellectual vigor as it held the 12th Annual Research Day on April 20, 2017. The event, meticulously overseen by Dean Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi and Dr. Ismail Alrefaai, Director of the Language Research Center, commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran and a heartfelt welcome address by Dr. Al-Melhi. He underscored the pivotal role that the Annual Research Day plays in fostering new insights, driving innovative inquiries, and creating an inclusive platform for imaginative discovery. He lauded the faculty for their significant research contributions and commended the diligent organizing committee for their invaluable role in orchestrating a successful event.
Bilingualism Takes Center Stage in Session One
The first session of the day, themed around 'Bilingualism,' kicked off with a presentation by Dr. Munassir Alhamami. His research, titled "English and Arabic in the College of Sciences," scrutinized the challenges associated with using English as the Medium of Instruction in Saudi Science Colleges. Dr. Oveesa Farooq followed suit with her presentation, "Need of a Syntax-based Interpretation of Learning English as a Second Language among Arabic Speakers," highlighting the integral role of a holistic understanding of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics for Arabic speakers learning English.
Dr. Abdul Wahed Al Zumor presented his research on "Arabic Language Policy and Planning in Saudi Arabia," emphasizing the country's concerted efforts in this area since 1346H. Dr. Hasan Jaashan, examining "Topographical Divergences and their Impact on Linguistic Variation," found that individuals in mountainous regions used more complex phonological structures than those in coastal areas. Rounding off the session, Dr. Shadma Iffat stressed the significance of teacher-student relationships on students' attitudinal motivations towards learning.
Technological, Translation, and Literature Perspectives in Session Two
The second session delved into 'Technology, Translation, and Literature.' Dr. Mona Hamad explored the 'Pros and Cons of Using Blackboard Collaborate for Blended Learning on Students Learning Outcomes,' flagging poor internet access as a key challenge to blended learning. Ms. Karima Ali Sallem addressed 'The Role of Teacher in the Age of Globalization,' advocating for globally competent teachers equipped to tackle complex challenges.
Further enlightening presentations included Mr. Samsur Rabb Khan's 'Teaching Literature in Language Classrooms: Why and How?' and Ms. Alvina Yousaf's 'Teaching Poetry to EFL Learners.' Both highlighted the potential benefits and inherent challenges of incorporating literature into language teaching. Meanwhile, Ms. Anjum Mishu proposed that 'Distance Acculturation for Saudi EFL Learners' through English literature could provide a beneficial immersive experience.
Exploring Language Learning and Teaching in Session Three
The final session honed in on 'Language Learning and Teaching.' Dr. Soheir Ghanem and Dr. Hanan El Sayeed Sanad emphasized the pedagogical benefits of incorporating edutainment into English language learning to enhance vocabulary acquisition and motivation. Ms. Mannujan Mohini Sudha proposed integrating a critical thinking approach to English language learning, advocating for more learner autonomy and problem-solving opportunities.
Presentations by Ms. Ivy Sultana and Ms. Sanjida and Tanzina Halim spotlighted effective strategies for improving reading skills and the importance of teacher’s knowledge in teaching vocabulary respectively. The session concluded with Dr. Dawood Ahmed Mahdi examining the relationship between oral communication apprehension and communication competence, and Dr. Syed Ali Shafee proposing culturally appropriate language skills books for Arab students.
The 12th Annual Research Day concluded on a high note, providing a rich platform for intellectual exchange and collaboration. Special thanks are due to the diligent organizing committee members:
- Mr. Erich Beer
- Ms. Fatemah Abdualla Amer
- Mr. Javed Ahmed
- Mr. Mahmudul Haque
- Mr. MD Adil
- Mr. MD Sirajul Islam
- Dr. Olaa Ali Alhaqan
- Mr. Salahud Din Abdul Rab
- Ms. Sara Abdulla Osaydan
- Mr. Sayed Karim
- Mr. Shahrear Talukdar
- Ms. Sharifah Abdualla Abo Abthan
- Dr. Zahraa Ahmed Misfer