Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics

This webpage provides a thorough overview of the Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (MAAL) program offered by the Faculty of Languages and Translation, covering key areas that prospective students need to understand. It includes the Program Description, which outlines the structure and focus of the curriculum, followed by sections detailing the program's Mission, Goals, Graduate Attributes, and Program Learning Outcomes. These sections highlight the program’s commitment to developing specialized knowledge, critical thinking, and research skills in its students. Additionally, the Study Plan section provides a clear roadmap of the courses and academic progression, ensuring that students are well-informed about the path they will take throughout the program.

Visitors to the page will see an overview of the Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics program offered by the Faculty of Languages and Translation. The page details the program's structure, which spans six semesters and includes coursework in advanced academic writing, language acquisition, linguistics, language teaching strategies, curriculum development, language policy, and research methods. It also highlights the final semester's focus on a research project supervised by faculty.

Additionally, the page provides the rationale for the program, explaining its goals to meet the demand for qualified language educators in Saudi Arabia, foster local expertise in applied linguistics, promote cross-cultural communication, and address linguistic challenges in various sectors. The rationale emphasizes the program's role in contributing to the Kingdom's academic and professional landscape.

Overall, the page serves as an introduction to the program's content, goals, and the benefits it offers to students and the broader society.

Visitors to this page will find a comprehensive overview of the Mission, Goals, Graduate Attributes, and Program Learning Outcomes of the Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (MAAL) program. The page begins by outlining the program’s mission, which is to equip students with specialized knowledge and skills in Applied Linguistics, preparing them to address both local and global language needs with a broad, informed perspective. Following this, the program's goals are detailed, emphasizing the provision of in-depth knowledge of Applied Linguistics, the development of essential research skills, the fostering of critical socio-cultural awareness, and the enhancement of students' ability to reflect on their own learning and professional practices.

The page also describes the key attributes that graduates are expected to develop through the program, such as becoming academic and professional experts, lifelong learners, critical thinkers, effective communicators, independent researchers, and community contributors. Additionally, the program’s learning outcomes are categorized into knowledge and understanding, skills, and values. These outcomes include the ability to describe language structures accurately, apply linguistic theories to real-world issues, conduct original research, and uphold professional and academic integrity.

Finally, the page outlines the admission requirements for prospective students, which include holding a Bachelor’s degree in language and achieving specific scores on standardized English proficiency tests such as TOEFL, STEP, or IELTS. This section ensures that potential applicants are fully informed about what is required to enter the program. Overall, the page offers a clear and structured view of what the MAAL program entails and what students can expect to gain from their studies.

Visitors to this page will find a detailed study plan for the Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics program, tailored for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of language acquisition, teaching methodologies, and research. The page outlines the program’s structure, which includes advanced coursework in areas such as linguistics, language acquisition, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, language policy, and language planning.

The study plan begins with foundational courses in Advanced Academic Writing and Applied Linguistics, followed by courses in Language Acquisition and Linguistics. As students progress, they engage with specialized topics such as Computer-Assisted Language Teaching, Sociolinguistics, and advanced Linguistics. The program then focuses on Language Pedagogy, Curriculum Development, and Discourse Analysis.

Further into the program, students cover Language Policy, Language Planning, and Research Methods, equipping them with essential skills for conducting academic research. The final part of the program is dedicated to a Research Project, where students apply their accumulated knowledge and research skills to a specific topic of their choice.

The page also includes a link to the old study plan for reference and provides approval information, including the University Council's reference number and the date of approval. This structured study plan prepares students for careers in education, research, policy-making, and language assessment, offering a comprehensive path to advance their academic and professional pursuits in applied linguistics.

Overall, this webpage serves as a centralized resource for those interested in the Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (MAAL) program, offering detailed insights into the program’s objectives, expected outcomes, and academic structure. By presenting the program description, mission and goals, graduate attributes, learning outcomes, and study plan in one place, the page ensures that prospective students have a comprehensive understanding of what the program offers and how it aligns with their academic and career goals in the field of applied linguistics.

Sample Graduation Projects