
Dean Al-Melhi and Dr. Bader Eddin Participate in Sports Governance Forum

Dean Al-Melhi and Dr. Bader Eddin Participate in Sports Governance Forum

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On January 20, 2020, the Abha Palace Hotel hosted the Sports Governance Forum under the patronage of Asir Governor, Prince Turki bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz. The forum, held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., provided a platform for key stakeholders from around the Kingdom and overseas to navigate the unique challenges of sports governance, initiate new endeavors, and implement collaborative solutions.

The Faculty of Languages and Translation was represented by its Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, and Dr. Eyhab Bader Eddin, MITI, who were both specially invited to the event. Dr. Bader Eddin was tasked with the critical role of simultaneous interpretation between English and Arabic, facilitating effective communication between the participants.

The forum began with an engaging session led by Paul McNicholas, Director of Risk and Governance at Everton FC. His extensive experience in the Premier League stirred interest among the attendees as he discussed 'The English Experience in the Governance of Sports Clubs'. This was followed by James Tucker, Managing Director of Real World Academies, emphasizing the significance of governance in education and sports clubs with global examples in his talk titled 'The Importance of Governance in Education and Training in Sports Clubs'.

The event also featured a distinguished lineup of speakers, including Advisory (Shura) Council member Dr. Muhammad Al-Abbas; Dr. Marea Al-Habbash from King Khalid University; President of Abha Sports Club, Dr. Ahmed Al-Hadithi; Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of the General Authority for Sports, Abdulaziz Al-Masaad; Director of the Internal Audit Office at Dubai Sports Council, Khaled Al-Shezawi; Professor of Sports Marketing and Development, Dr. Muqbel bin Jdei; and Lawyer Fahad Muhammed.

In a live TV interview, Dean Al-Melhi provided consecutive interpreting for the English speakers, acknowledging Dr. Bader Eddin's contribution and reiterating the honor bestowed on the Faculty of Languages and Translation in serving a national audience.

Dr. Bader Eddin highlighted the challenges of simultaneous interpretation, emphasizing its demand for split-second decision-making, maintaining pace with the flow of language, and possessing extensive background knowledge for instant recall.

The complexity of simultaneous interpreting, as Dr. Bader Eddin pointed out, stems from the fact that interpreters must deliver a clear and accurate rendition in real-time without the advantage of advance knowledge of the text or speaker's notes. Despite these pressures, he continues to deliver exemplary service at high-profile events across Syria, the European Union, Kuwait, Oman, and Saudi Arabia.

Overall, the Sports Governance Forum underscored the crucial role of interpretation in facilitating cross-cultural dialogue, offering a unique platform for exchange and collaboration in the realm of sports governance.