
Speech Competition

Speech Competition

Faculty of Languages and Translation

The English Club at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, female section, recently hosted a highly competitive Speech Competition. Preliminary auditions took place on Monday, October 29, 2019, culminating in the selection of three standout participants for the final competition held on Wednesday, October 30, 2019.

The English Club organized a dedicated space for the competition and provided evaluation forms to six faculty judges. These faculty members were entrusted with the task of assessing each contestant's performance, with their scores accounting for 80% of the final marks. Audience votes, on the other hand, contributed to the remaining 20% of the evaluation.

Upon the conclusion of the final speeches, the English Club coordinator, alongside the judges, took up the task of calculating the marks and tallying the votes. Following this process, the winners were announced, and they were duly recognized with certificates and vouchers from Jarir Bookstore.

The competition showcased a variety of captivating topics and impressive performances, setting a high standard for future events.