
Working in Close Partnership with Community: clt Visits Elementary School

Working in Close Partnership with Community: clt Visits Elementary School

Faculty of Languages and Translation

The Faculty of Languages & Translation (clt) at King Khalid University is collaborating with the Asir Region Directorate of Education on various community outreach initiatives. On March 31st, this partnership manifested itself in a visit to Habib Bin Zaid Elementary School in Abha, by clt's Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, and Dr. Eyhab Bader Eddin, MCIL, CL. Several students, teachers, and administrators actively participated in this initiative, aimed at introducing young minds to the possibilities of higher education and the application of foreign languages.

School Principal, Mr. Mohammed Farhan, kicked off the event by welcoming the clt delegation amidst an energetic crowd of students. Dean Al-Melhi and Dr. Bader Eddin then captivated the students' attention by conducting a series of interactive linguistic exercises. They simplified the intricate aspects of translation, presenting them in a comprehensive and engaging manner. The presentation's success was evident as the students avidly engaged in the discussion, demonstrating a basic understanding of translation's need and methods.

The clt representatives followed up by presenting a concise PowerPoint presentation summarizing translation's significance, history, and methodologies. They highlighted the difference between simultaneous and consecutive interpretation, discussed their pros and cons, and prompted the students to express their preferences.

Expressing his delight at the opportunity to inspire young minds, Dean Al-Melhi said, "These grade school students embody immense potential and are the future of our nation. It's crucial to foster a desire for higher education and lifelong learning early on. These collaborative outreach initiatives help inspire students, showcasing the array of career opportunities that await them as they mature."

In concurrence, Dr. Bader Eddin emphasized the importance of keeping the Kingdom's youth engaged and eager for learning. Reflecting on his own early days of education, he stated, "We aspire to show the children that universities are safe and welcoming places that empower them to learn more and accomplish more in life." He further reinforced the lesson by showcasing a series of short videos and multimedia presentations.

The clt remains committed to community service, taking an active role in achieving educational and socioeconomic objectives on both regional and national scales. The collaboration with the Asir Region Directorate of Education embodies this commitment, continually striving to inspire the Kingdom's youth and foster a love for learning and higher education.