
Language of the Professionals

Language of the Professionals

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On March 7, 2019, the Scientific Research Committee of the Faculty of Languages & Translation held a presentation titled 'Language of the Professionals,' given by Ms. Anjum Mishu, a Lecturer in the Department of English. The seminar was particularly aimed at the faculty's M.A. students and was divided into three key segments: 'How to Write a Research Proposal,' 'Language of the Professionals,' and 'Vocabulary of the Academics.'

During her presentation, Ms. Mishu stressed several vital points. Among these was the significance of adhering to the '3 C's Rule' (Clarity, Conciseness, and Coherence) when drafting a research paper. Another key focus was the appropriate usage of academic vocabulary in scholarly works.

The attending M.A. students were highly encouraged to incorporate the language of academia into their work, enhancing the scholarly quality and comprehension of their research. The presentation was well-received, proving to be both informative and insightful for all attendees. All members of the Scientific Research Committee were in attendance for this enlightening seminar.