Professional Training Workshop on Implementing Basic Language Assessment Principles
In line with the Faculty of Languages and Translation's commitment to bolstering quality assurance practices, the Academic Development and Quality Committee at the King Abdullah Road Campus hosted a workshop on Wednesday, November 6, 2019. The session, titled "Implementing Basic Language Assessment Principles," was led by Dr. Sara Sevinj Huseynova.
The workshop delved into the essence of assessment principles and ways to deliver beneficial feedback in line with local cultural nuances. Dr. Huseynova highlighted the importance of understanding that tests are merely a component of the larger assessment process, not the be-all and end-all for determining a student's proficiency or progress. She advised educators to consider diverse assessment methods alongside traditional testing.
Additionally, Dr. Huseynova stressed the significance of developing high-quality tests that align with the fundamental principles of language assessment. It is essential, she pointed out, for educators, particularly those teaching a new language, to clearly communicate the expectations for assignments and evaluations. Consistency and reliability in judgments among teachers instructing the same subject was also noted as a crucial element of a sound assessment.
The workshop also delved into the role and impact of tests on teaching and learning. Dr. Huseynova elucidated on the use of neuroscience and applied linguistics findings to deliver negative feedback to female students in a positive, constructive manner. As an additional resource, participants received a handout titled "Giving and Receiving Constructive Oral Feedback for Improving Students' Performance."
Dr. Huseynova emphasised the power of broad-minded, constructive feedback. By thoughtfully guiding students to the next step in a non-invasive and considerate way, educators can facilitate learning and improvement. Ultimately, appropriate feedback can heighten attention, enhance memory, and promote a mental state conducive to positive intelligence and learning.