
Faculty Members Participate in Graduate Studies Preparation Program

Faculty Members Participate in Graduate Studies Preparation Program

Faculty of Languages and Translation

During the week of November 7, 2021, three distinguished faculty members contributed their insights to a series of webinars designed to equip teaching assistants and lecturers with the necessary skills and understanding to navigate the rigorous demands of a doctoral program. These informative sessions, attended by approximately 150 enthusiastic participants each day, were overseen by the Vice Presidency of Graduate Studies and Academic Research and orchestrated by the Scholarship Department. This series provided an opportunity for an engaging dialogue with a team of leading researchers and seasoned faculty from King Khalid University.

Representing the Faculty of Languages and Translation were Dr. Munassir Alhamami, Dr. Abdul Wahed Q. Al-Zumor, and Dr. Fakieh Alrabai. Dr. Alhamami initiated the week's proceedings on Monday with a comprehensive presentation on research methods, emphasizing the significance of comprehending the research techniques employed. His session was closely followed by Dr. Al-Zumor, who supplemented Dr. Alhamami's discourse by acquainting the participants with the intricate rules, flow, and structure inherent in academic research writing. Wrapping up the Faculty of Languages and Translation's contribution on Wednesday, Dr. Alrabai navigated the participants through the nuances of research methodology and the critical steps to conceptualize the implementation of a research project.

All faculty members across the college programs are dedicated to regular participation in research-based academic activities. Such commitment underscores our unwavering resolve to continually enhance our programs' and institutional performance.