E-Learning Awareness Campaign
Under the auspices of Dean Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, the E-Learning Unit at the Faculty embarked on an innovative initiative, the “E-Learning Awareness Campaign.” The campaign, which ran from Sunday, January 31st, 2016 to Thursday, February 4th, 2016, was targeted primarily at level 1 students, aiming to guide them into the digital realm of learning.
Lauding the E-Learning Unit's efforts, Dr. Ali Alamir, Vice Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Fahad Otaif, Vice Dean of Academic Development and Quality, along with Mr. Abdullah Al-Rezgi, Director of the English Language Center, offered their wholehearted support and guidance. Their collective endorsement significantly contributed to the campaign's success.
Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, Supervisor of the E-Learning Unit, clarified the campaign's objective. He outlined the vision to acclimate new students to the vital and efficient usage of King Khalid University's E-Learning portal, namely, Blackboard. Khan underscored the personalized approach adopted during the campaign, stating, "The students were approached individually within their classrooms, fostering an intimate introduction to the E-Learning system."
The success of the campaign was a collective triumph. Among those contributing to the campaign's accomplishments were Mr. Abdullah Al-Zubain, an E-Learning Specialist, and Dr. Khaled Mohanna, the E-Learning Team Manager. Alongside them, all Level 1 teachers lent their expertise, cementing the campaign's efficacy.
The E-Learning Awareness Campaign served as a testament to the institution's commitment to digital education, setting the stage for future endeavors in the ever-evolving world of E-learning.