
Academic Writing Workshop: Literature Review

Academic Writing Workshop: Literature Review

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On February 24, 2020, the second session of the Academic Writing Workshop Series was organized by the Women's Scientific Research Committee of the Bachelor of Arts in English program. This insightful workshop was conducted by Dr. Nada Alqarni and focused on the importance of literature reviews in academic writing.

Dr. Alqarni initiated her talk by highlighting a widespread pitfall in academic writing - the excessive and thoughtless use of references. She advised writers to judiciously incorporate references, ensuring they align with the study's theme and theoretical framework. She further recommended providing a historical perspective on the topic and identifying key landmark studies to set a robust context for the research.

The key components of a literature review, as Dr. Alqarni explained, should clearly indicate the core concepts, the variables, and the findings of the research paper. She meticulously outlined the process of constructing an effective literature review: locating relevant studies, summarizing and evaluating them, and ending with a conclusion that identifies knowledge gaps that the research aims to fill.

Dr. Alqarni also emphasized the importance of properly citing works in a research paper. She proposed a 'mental test' to be used each time a reference or quotation is included. This test involves questioning if the reference contributes to the development of the theory, follows the research thread, and relates to the research questions, thereby identifying the knowledge gap to be addressed.

She further elaborated on the rules of citation tense and its reflection of the relationship between the writer and the cited researchers. She offered advice on providing an overview of literature from past to present, reporting specific authors' contributions, and highlighting previous studies' limitations.

The session was enriched with several examples illustrating the steps for writing an effective literature review. The workshop was well-attended by the Vice Dean, Dr. Salma Al-Qahtani, staff members, and students. Participants found it to be informative and engaging, providing valuable insights into the nuances of academic writing.