Virtual Internships: College of Languages and Translation Partners With the Forage Platform To Offer Free Work Experience to Students
On October 25, 2022, the College of Languages and Translation's Alumni Unit held a webinar on a groundbreaking virtual internship-based learning project. The initiative aims to infuse employability into all undergraduate and graduate programs, equipping students with job market skills that align with their academic learning outcomes.
The Faculty's innovative response to a post-Covid-19 surge in demand for digital skills has resulted in a beneficial partnership with Forage. This agreement, formalized in July 2022, enables students to access online virtual internships regardless of location or time constraints, reflecting the shared ambitions of both institutions to equip students with practical employability skills.
The webinar commenced with Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Development, introducing the Forage platform. Moderated by Mohsin Reza Khan, Dr. Almosa underscored the importance of students acquiring skills and exploring various roles and industries via self-paced modules. He stressed the vital role this will play in facilitating the transition from academia to professional environments.
Hassan Costello further expanded on Forage's functions, emphasizing its conviction that talent surpasses connections in significance. The platform provides an excellent opportunity for students to display their enthusiasm for specific organizations and their work, boosting their prospects in future recruitment processes. Upon completion of a program, students and alumni receive a personalized digital certificate as evidence of their newly acquired skills, bolstering their professional credentials.
Senior student Abdussalam Tahir Abdulmajid shared his experience with Forage's virtual internships, emphasizing the platform's user-friendly nature and self-paced courses. Encouraging his peers to capitalize on the selection of over 190 courses, Abdulmajid illustrated the opportunity to experience real-life work at leading companies and delve into their areas of interest.
The session concluded with an engaging Q&A segment, where participants had the opportunity to direct their queries to both Abdussalam and Dr. Almosa.