
Practising Professionalism in EFL Teaching

On October 2, 2019, the Language Research Center hosted a workshop conducted by Mohammad Adil, entitled 'Practising Professionalism in EFL Teaching'. The workshop aimed to enrich participants' understanding of effective classroom strategies and test administration practices through a combination of instructional sessions and interactive brainstorming tasks.

The workshop initiated with an engaging warm-up task, providing participants with an opportunity to reflect on their existing knowledge of good classroom practices, thus setting the stage for further learning.


clt and Engineering Students Convene to Discuss Translation in the Modern World

On October 1, 2019, the English and Engineering Clubs co-hosted a comprehensive workshop entitled 'Translation: A Broad Overview Weaving Its Threads Together', delivered by Dr. Eyhab Bader Eddin, MITI, MCIL, CL. The workshop drew an audience of over 140 students in Auditorium 4, while another 100 participants tuned in live on Twitter. This event was sponsored by the Deanship of Student Affairs in collaboration with the participating student clubs.


Interdisciplinary Sciences and Language Learning

Dr. Saeed Al-Surf, an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Languages & Translation (clt), recently delivered an insightful lecture on 'Interdisciplinary Sciences' at the Asir Region Directorate of Education on September 24, 2019. The lecture aimed to shed light on the promising avenues of interdisciplinary learning, demonstrating the immense value of merging the humanities with the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM).


clt Commemorates National Day

The Faculty of Languages and Translation at the King Abdullah Road Campus took part in a grand celebration of the Kingdom's National Day on 25/1/1441. This joyous event was meticulously organized by the female English Club, whose members put together a range of pamphlets and pictographs to honor the Kingdom's 89th anniversary.


تكريم موظفي كلية اللغات والترجمة

بحضور سعادة عميد كلية اللغات والترجمة د.عبدالله ال ملهي تم تكريم عدد من موظفي الكلية على جهودهم في استقبال الطلاب واعضاء هيئة التدريس بدية هذا العام الدراسي 1440-1441 والتاكد من صيانة التجهيزات التقنية والمكتبية في القاعات الدراسية ومرافق الكلية الاخرى حيث تم تكريم كل من: علي فارس ومحمد ال عبيدي وابراهيم المازني ومحمد العاصمي وقدم سعادة العميد شكره للمكرمين وحثهم على مزيد من الجهد وحضر التكريم سعادة وكيل الكلية د.يحيى عسيري ومدير ادارة الكلية ا.سعد العمري وثمن سعادته جهود ادارة الكلية التي تسعى دائما للتميز.


clt Hosts High Achievement Awards Ceremony

This morning on 9/17/2019 there was a department-wide meeting in room A/3/60. The purposes of the meeting were to have an open gathering, hold an interactive Q&A session, and to recognize those high achieving students who have been in the program.



الحفل السنوي للطالبات المستجدات كلية اللغات والترجمة

نظمت وحدة التوجية والإرشاد بكلية اللغات والترجمة، شطر الطالبات بابها الحفل السنوي للطالبات المستجدات و ذلك بحضور وكيلة الكلية سعادة الدكتوره سالمه القحطاني و مشرفة القسم سعادة الدكتوره ندى القرني. وقد بدأ الحفل بكلمة ترحيبية و تخلل الحفل بعض النصائح والإرشادات للطالبات المستجدات، كما استعرض رؤساء الأندية والوحدات الخدمات المقدمة للطالبات المستجدات و حث الطالبات على الاستفادة منها والمشاركة فيها.


Towards Accreditation: The Journey of the Faculty of Languages and Translation

On September 15, 2019, Vice Dean of the Academic Development and Quality Deanship, Dr. Saeed Saad Hadi, welcomed NCAAA Consultant, Dr. Loay Abusalah, for an essential meeting. They were joined by Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi and the Faculty of Languages and Translation's (clt) Vice Dean of Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the progress towards the clt's accreditation.


14th E-Learning Awareness Campaign

Under the auspices of Dean Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi and the guidance of Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, the Faculty of Languages and Translation's E-Learning Unit organized an "E-Learning Awareness Campaign". This campaign, which was targeted towards new students of the English Department, was held from September 8, 2019, to September 12, 2019.

Dr. Almosa acknowledged the efforts put forth by the E-Learning Unit in conducting this informative campaign, which serves a critical purpose in educating students about e-learning systems.


clt Holds Freshman Orientation

The annual freshman orientation held by the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) at King Khalid University saw a robust turnout at the start of the semester. The event, typically lasting one to two hours, serves as an introduction for new students to understand the university's rules and regulations, meet their peers, and familiarize themselves with the English Club.