Deanship of Human Resources (Rules & Regulations)

The Deanship of Human Resources at King Khalid University plays a critical role in managing the professional lives of faculty and staff within the College of Languages and Translation. Through a comprehensive set of systems, regulations, and guidelines, the Deanship ensures that all human resource activities align with national standards and university policies. These systems, including the Civil Service System, Work System, and Saudi Occupational Classification, provide a structured framework for the employment and management of university personnel. The accompanying regulations address key aspects such as retirement, social insurance, and professional development, ensuring that all staff members are well-supported in their roles. Additionally, performance management tools and salary scales are in place to reward and support faculty and staff. By applying these systems and regulations at the program, department, and college levels, the College of Languages and Translation maintains a professional environment that values both academic and administrative excellence.


  1. Civil Service System
  2. Work System
  3. Job Discipline System
  4. Civil Retirement System
  5. Social Insurance System
  6. Saudi Occupational Classification


  1. New Civil Retirement System
  2. New Social Insurance System
  3. New University System
  4. Regulations Governing the Affairs of Saudi University Employees, Including Faculty Members and Those in Similar Positions
  5. Regulations for Sending and Training University Staff
  6. Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies in Universities
  7. Higher Education and Universities Council System
  8. Executive Regulations for Human Resources in the Civil Service
  9. Regulatory Frameworks for the Executive Regulations of Human Resources
  10. Regulations for the Employment of Non-Saudis in Universities
  11. List of Educational Jobs
  12. Regulatory Framework for the Regulation of Educational Jobs
  13. List of Health Jobs
  14. List of Financial Rights and Benefits
  15. List of Appointees on the Wages Item in Government Agencies
  16. Servants Regulations
  17. Executive Regulations of the Job Discipline System
  18. Executive Regulations of the Labor System and its Appendices 1
  19. Executive Regulations of the Labor System and its Appendices 2
  20. Code of Conduct and Ethics for Public Service

Performance Management

  1. Guide To Calculating Promotion Points by Comparison
  2. New E-Forms User Guide
  3. Professional Development Policy Guide for Faculty and Equivalents
  4. Professional Development Policy Guide for Administrative Staff
  5. University Performance Management Guide
  6. Self-Service User Guide

Salary Scale

  1. Teachers’ Salary Scale
  2. Salary Scale for Faculty Members, Lecturers and Teaching Assistants at Universities
  3. General Employee Salary Scale
  4. Salary Scale of Health Jobs List
  5. User Salary Scale
  6. Salary Scale for ‘Other’ Appointments

Professional Certification

  1. Professional Certification Guide

In conclusion, the rules, regulations, and systems provided by the Deanship of Human Resources are essential for the effective management of faculty and staff within the College of Languages and Translation. These resources offer a structured approach to human resource management, encompassing everything from employment and job discipline to performance management and professional development. Faculty and staff are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these systems and regulations to fully understand their rights, responsibilities, and opportunities for advancement. By adhering to these guidelines, the College of Languages and Translation maintains a fair, supportive, and efficient work environment, contributing to King Khalid University's overall mission of fostering academic excellence and professional integrity.