

clt In-Service Teacher Training Webinar: Online Pedagogical Practices

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On November 30, 2020, a comprehensive in-service teacher training webinar was conducted by Mohsin Khan and Dr. Sayyed Rashid Ali Shah, reaching an impressive audience of 300 participants. In cooperation with the Directorate of Education in Rijal Alma, the webinar explored "Online Teaching: Authentic Assessment Tools and Strategies" and "Online Pedagogical Practices." The program aimed to equip teachers with the necessary strategies, tools, and knowledge to adapt effectively to the educational transformation induced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, organized the event in response to a request from the Directorate of Education in Rijal Alma. He saw it as a valuable opportunity for the Faculty of Languages and Translation to deliver unique in-service teacher training, integrating learning goals and outcomes with community service, thereby fostering teacher and student growth within the region.

Following Vice Dean Almosa's introductions, Dr. Shah initiated the conversation, focusing on the critical pedagogical shift needed for effective online teaching and the integral role of assessment. He urged educators to introduce innovative assessment tasks inspired by the latest trends. Dr. Shah elucidated various online teaching and learning assessment tools, aiding participants to comprehend and adapt these resources to the Saudi EFL context. "There are numerous practices to mindfully evaluate students. The optimal method will differ based on learning needs and objectives," he noted.

Khan then addressed the importance of context in an online environment, advocating for educators to employ innovative strategies within their learning management systems to enhance student learning. Leveraging his experience as a Master Reviewer for Quality Matters, Khan navigated participants through an array of strategies to assess and augment their online instruction. "Simply employing technology isn't sufficient. The success of online education hinges on properly integrating technology to achieve curriculum objectives and academic goals," he concluded.

The Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation remains steadfast in its commitment to engaging in community partnership activities. This is reflective of its role in the community partnership plan at King Khalid University.