Standard 2: Program Management and Quality Assurance

CLT Reinforces Final Exam Regulations for All Students

The College of Languages and Translation (CLT) at King Khalid University has issued a comprehensive set of final exam regulations to…

Special Workshop on Dissertation Writing for PhD Students

Dr. Sarah Alamri conducted a training workshop titled "Special Workshop on Dissertation Writing for PhD Students” at a webinar…

College Prepares Graduating Students for Jahiziya Exam with…

On November 4, 2024, final-year students from nine campuses participated in a comprehensive pre-test organized by the Jahiziya…

Virtual Workshop Prepares Students for Jahiziya Exam

On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at 8:00 PM, final-year undergraduate students from the College of Languages & Translation…

College of Languages and Translation Logo Redesign

At the start of the 2024-2025 academic year, King Khalid University’s College of Languages and Translation introduced a newly redesigned…

ورشة عمل حول كيفية الاستعداد لاختبارات الجاهزية في كلية…

الدكتورة مزيغه ال طالع
 الدكتورة سالمه القحطاني
الدكتورة هناء الحديثي
 الدكتورة خيرية…

التميز في الترجمة الفورية يتناول الأدوات المساعدة وخبرات…

لما للترجمة من أهمية قصوى في نقل ثقافات الشعوب وكونها أداة للتواصل بين الأمم والحضارات، نظم نادي كلية اللغات…