
Rbrul Statistics

Rbrul Statistics

Faculty of Languages and Translation

Dr. Khairiya Abudadi led a workshop on the use of Rbrul Statistics, as part of a seminar series organized by the Language Research Center at the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) of King Khalid University. The event took place on October 30, 2019.

Dr. Abudadi explained that Rbrul Statistics is a user-friendly software designed to streamline and simplify the process of statistical data calculation. She initially focused her presentation on the software's installation, then proceeded to discuss its wide range of features and their applicability in teaching and assessment within different departmental courses. She also reflected on how instrumental the software had been during her Ph.D. research.

By the end of the workshop, Dr. Abudadi concluded that Rbrul Statistics serves as an invaluable tool for handling data analysis and complex statistical calculations. She highly recommended its use to all faculty members seeking to enhance their data analysis capabilities.

The workshop was a resounding success, offering a wealth of valuable information to all attendees. Additionally, the Graigor campus also engaged in the workshop, broadening its impact across the university's various faculties.