
English Club Hosts Social Gathering

English Club Hosts Social Gathering

Faculty of Languages and Translation

Recently, the English Club at the Al-Lasan Campus facilitated a social gathering open to all students and faculty members. Faisal Alfadhil, the Student Activities Director, outlined several key objectives for the event.

These included fostering stronger bonds between students and faculty, promoting camaraderie among students, encouraging participation in future departmental and university activities, and providing an informal setting for English language practice. Alfadhil underscored the value of practicing the target language in natural, relaxed contexts. Furthermore, the event served as a much-needed breather for students post their mid-term examinations, allowing them to engage in some light-hearted, collegiate fun.

The evening was abuzz with a multitude of activities. It began with a series of 5-on-5 football matches, with the winning team of each round maintaining the field for the next challenge. The games were spirited yet friendly, and every player demonstrated commendable sportsmanship. Following a short break for rest and prayer, the event resumed.

The Spelling Bee competition, directed by Hassan Costello, was the next highlight. Assisted by Director Alfadhil for scoring and English Club President Abdulaziz Dahlan for timekeeping, the competition was filled with excitement. It culminated in a tense 'sudden death spell-off' between senior students Fawaz Al-Qahtani and Saud Al-Shahrani, with Fawaz emerging victorious and Saud a commendable runner-up. Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, presented the Spelling Bee awards, with the top two finishers receiving Jarir Bookstore gift certificates.

Following the Spelling Bee, an open forum discussion was hosted by the department. This was a platform for all students and faculty members to discuss the department's operations and suggest potential improvements, demonstrating clt's commitment to continuous improvement.

Prominent speakers included Vice Dean Dr. Yahya Asiri, Chairman Dr. Munassir Alhamami, Academic Development Unit Head Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, Academic Guidance and Counseling Unit Head Dr. Dawood Mahdi, and Dr. Saeed Al-Surf. Each of their addresses emphasized the faculty's commitment to aiding students in their academic and career success. Vice Dean Asiri encapsulated the sentiment, stating that the duty of educating the next generation of leaders is critical, and facing challenges is an essential part of the learning process.

The faculty were buoyed by the students' attitudes towards education and their evident eagerness to maximize their time at the university. After a prayer, the gathering concluded with a delightful meal, sparking lively conversations that lasted well into the evening. The success of this event stands testament to clt's dedication to the student community and higher education.