
Faculty Members Receive Distinguished Service Awards

Faculty Members Receive Distinguished Service Awards

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On January 21, 2019, the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, bestowed distinguished service awards upon two dedicated faculty members in recognition of their hard work and commitment to the faculty.

Dr. Basim Kanaan was recognized for his commendable four-year tenure as the department's academic advisor. Throughout his term, Dr. Kanaan displayed unwavering dedication to his role, working persistently to guide students through a multitude of academic and personal issues, thus contributing significantly to their overall university experience.

Similarly, Mr. Abdullah Al-Rezgi was acknowledged for his six years of continuous service as the director of the English Language Center (ELC). Under his stewardship, the ELC, which provides intensive English instruction to students majoring in sciences and medicine, flourished.

These awards were presented in a succinct ceremony, conducted by Dean Al-Melhi during a regularly scheduled department council meeting, attended by senior faculty members. Both Dr. Kanaan and Mr. Al-Rezgi were granted achievement plaques as tokens of appreciation for their diligent efforts and loyal years of service, echoing the faculty's gratitude for their substantial contributions.